Senior Spotlight: Kai Rosser (12-2)

Lachlan Pepersack (11-2)

Photo courtesy of Lachlan Pepersack (11-2)

What is one memory you will take away from your time at Masterman?

Winning the pub was amazing but it did not really hit until the next day. My favorite memory would be the day after and the team went to brunch. To win a championship with Masterman was so amazing. 

 Do you have a favorite teacher or class?

For my favorite teacher, I will say Ms. Vecsi. She taught APUSH, a very boring class, and she made it fun and I always looked forward to going to that class.

What would you like to pursue in college? 

I want to be a heart surgeon because I want to save lives. I really like the idea of helping people and I want to have a positive impact on the world. 

As a captain of the boys soccer team, what was your favorite moment from this season and what was your favorite memory from all four years?

My favorite moment from this season would be when Yehuda scored the equalizer in the Lincoln semifinal game. It was a very tense and emotional game, and it was a huge weight off of our shoulders when he scored. My favorite from all four years I would say was the whole of my freshman year when Zach Kingsley took me under his wing. We had a very successful season with an amazing group of guys.

Last year you joined the boys lacrosse team for the spring season. How does playing lacrosse compare with playing soccer? 

I will say it is very similar but also very different. The speed of the games are different. I feel like in lacrosse, or at least in the public league, it is much more fast paced and a lot more contact. In soccer, there is not nearly as much. Both games are played in a similar fashion where you have 10 or 11 players on the field passing the ball around with the objective to score. They translate well to each other. Personally I like playing soccer more, but I think lacrosse is a great sport. 

Playing both soccer and lacrosse at Masterman, what would be your advice to those thinking about joining any of the sports teams?

My advice would be to just go and play the sport. Personally, I had no experience playing lacrosse and it turned out to be an amazing experience. You can also get closer with people from all the different grades while learning a new sport which you will most likely enjoy playing. At the end of the day you might as well try it out and see how it goes. 

You are in ACA. What got you interested in ACA, and can you tell us a little bit about the club?

I heard there was a club for Asian people at Masterman so my friends and I decided to take a look at it, and I've been a member ever since—this was freshman year and I have enjoyed all four years.

What do you do to de-stress?

I would say in general I am not a very stressed out person, but if I get stressed I step away from what I'm doing and take a break. My break usually includes watching TV or playing soccer with my brother.

Who is your favorite soccer player? The best?

My favorite soccer player would be Harry Maguire, the center back from Manchester United. The best soccer player is Lionel Messi. 

What is the best sandwich? 

I used to be a turkey guy, then I liked ham, but now I think the best is an Italian hoagie with a bunch of peppers and onions.