Senior Spotlight: Malena Parrado (12-3)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

What advice would you give future seniors ?

Don’t take Discrete!

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

Beating Central freshman year in soccer.

What do you wish you had done differently while at Masterman?

Can it be something out of my control? I wish Masterman robotics hadn’t dissolved and joined SLA.

What is a quote / motto that you stand by?

When in doubt kick it out (soccer).

Who do you look up to?

“Triona because she’s so tall” ~ Mikaela

This is a serious question— I look up to Triona because she always wears heels.

Photo courtesy of Malena Parrado (12-3)

What is something that’s still on your high school bucket list ?

Scoring a layout point in frisbee

What got you into Ultimate Frisbee?

Mikaela joined in middle school and then I joined because of Mikaela and Ed Brown called us Malaela because he couldn’t tell us apart.

Is there a message that you’d like to give the team / future players?

We’re winning states this year!

What are your plans for college?

I’m going to Penn and majoring in neuroscience. I’m on the premed track and I’m hoping to go into medical school. I also might join the club soccer team.

What are your plans for summer?

I’m going to be a soccer coach and I’m excited to hang out with all of my besties.

Quick Favorites:

Who is the best spider man ?

Andrew Garfield

What is your favorite throw in frisbee ?

A hammer even though I’m bad at it

What is your favorite season?

“Can I choose 2?” Fall and spring. “If you had to choose 1?”: Fall

If you could be a food what would you be?

Eggplant so that no one would eat me.

Favorite song (artist of you don’t have one)?

Panic! at the disco OR Sebastian Yatra

Favorite place in Philly

Schuylkill River path

Favorite plant ?

Ponytail palm

Favorite flavor?

Tomato pasta/ tomato sauce