Senior Spotlight: Jerusa Palomares-Infante (12-3)

Sylvia Erdely (12-4)

What are you most looking forward to beyond Masterman?

I’m most looking forward to studying abroad in Japan wherever I end up going to college. It’s something that I’ve really wanted to do for a while. It stems from my love for Studio Ghibli, the animation company that made My Neighbor Totoro. Those movies are very therapeutic and there’s a lot of scenery in the movies that are in Japan.

What is a piece of advice you would give your freshman self?

Not to stress out as much as I did, but also not to procrastinate. It’s kind of contradicting, but still.

You are in peer counseling. What does being a peer counselor mean to you?

In seventh grade, my peer counselor was Emma Stachelek and we ended up being friends. She got me into soccer and she was my soccer captain my freshman year. We still talk to this day. I really wanted to build that sort of relationship with the kids that I peer counsel. Everyone should go to the Winter Formal! 

Photo courtesy of Sylvia Erdely (12-4)

What inspired you to join the squash team?

One of my friends plays squash outside of school so I tried it out. I wasn't good, but I kept going and I love it! If you love something, keep pursuing it!

Tell us about Masterman’s Forensics Club.

Forensics Club is sponsored by Ms. Waber, who we all really love. We talk about cold cases and cases that came up this year. When they solved the Boy in the Box case we were in Forensics. Everyone was super anxious and kept refreshing the news on our phones. We’re organizing a field trip to go to a lab!

You played soccer throughout high school. What is your favorite memory from the soccer team?

My favorite soccer memory was senior night when I was a junior. I was really close with the seniors from last year and I got to make two of them posters. All the collaboration that went into it was really fun and it turned out really good.

What Masterman item do you most see yourself in? 

Mr. Gallagher’s plastic foods.

What is the best part about being a senior?

Obviously graduating and moving on, but also all of the fun things we get to do to commemorate the last year we’re all together.