Ms. Mitchell: “Vale la Pena”

Mariacristina Calcagno (9-1)

Photo courtesy of Ms. Mitchell

On February 9, Masterman Spanish students played the Wordle en español, worked on Señor Wooly (an interactive Spanish-learning website that incorporates fun videos and text with follow-up questions), studied, or hung out during their teacherless Spanish period. Yet, the next day, nearly three months after Señora Diffenderfer went on maternity leave, these same students returned to their classroom to find a new Spanish teacher, Ms. Mitchell. “I was glad to have a human being as a teacher again. Señor Wooly is fun and all, but I have questions, and WordReference can’t give me everything,” explained Cyrus Fisher (9-2), a Spanish 2 student

Ms. Mitchell grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. Ms. Mitchell, who is half Cuban, spoke Spanish with her grandparents, who “were very involved in [her] upbringing.” Additionally, she took Spanish in school. Ms. Mitchell craved learning and always felt great appreciation for her teachers; even in middle school, she had an inkling that she wanted to be an educator.

And educating students is what Ms. Mitchell is doing today. She landed in Philadelphia when she began teaching in an all-levels graduate program at the University of Pennsylvania. Two reasons she remained in the City of Brotherly Love were because of “how vibrant the arts are,” and how “loyal” Philadelphians are to their city. In comparison to Atlanta, Ms. Mitchell notes that Philly is a lot more compact and is easier to get around, thanks to public transportation. She observes that it feels intense compared to the South’s “slower-paced vibe,” but is similar to Atlanta in terms of diversity. She recalls someone telling her that yes, Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, but you have to love it first. It is the city that “loves you back.”

Photo courtesy of Ms. Mitchell

When Ms. Mitchell “found out that Masterman needed a long-term sub,” she jumped at the opportunity. Ms. Mitchell loves how everyone is “so sweet,” as she expected a quiet introduction to the school. Her words of wisdom are “Vale la pena” (it’s worth it), and her favorite joke is:

“Knock Knock?”

“Who's there?”

“Interrupting cow”

“Interrupting c—”


Lastly, a list of Ms. Mitchell’s favorite…

Ways to express yourself: “Singing”

Author(s): Many, including Luiz Erdrich and Tony Marson

Word in English: Intrinsic

Word in Spanish: Zanahoria (carrot)

Sandwich: “Turkey with cheese, pickles, lettuce, mustard, and avocado”

Desert: “Not a desert person”

Favorite salty treat: Dill pickles

Vacation location: Charleston South Carolina Beach (she has family there as well)