Senior Spotlight: Helena Saven (12-4)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

What's the most valuable experience you've had in Voices?

I remember writing two large cover-page articles in freshman and sophomore year, which required a lot of revisions and drafts. I learned about the journalism process through them; it can be exhausting if you really commit yourself to it. I don’t write as much as of now, and more so oversee things, and that’s been valuable as well.

I know you have played violin for 12+ years. What orchestras/repertoire do you play in and do you plan to continue playing in college?

I am in the Masterman High School Orchestra, the Masterman Jazz Band, the All City High School Orchestra, the Philadelphia Sinfonia Orchestra, and the Philadelphia Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra. I technically play three instruments: the saxophone, violin, and piano, but I think violin is my primary one. I enjoy playing in a chamber orchestra setting because of the warm and intimate sound where you can hear the wood of each instrument.

Photo courtesy of Isabel Portner (12-3)

I like playing in both an all-brass jazz band and an all-string chamber orchestra, but they are different experiences. I would ideally like to pursue all three instruments in college. I’ve been debating continuing as an orchestral musician, since I don’t know if I want to pursue this kind of lifestyle. I will definitely continue as a soloist and work on my own repertoire.

How’d you come to play the saxophone?

I started the saxophone a couple months ago because I had been interested in it and I was encouraged by the lead alto in our jazz band, Lucas Jackson (12-2). He taught me the fundamental information and I practiced on my own from there. It's much easier to pick up instruments if you already have experience in another one, because you know the rhythms and the sound of the notes. I like jazz. I’ve invested because I love the sound of the saxophone. And it is something that I get excited to work on.

What are you most excited about for college?

I'm excited to craft a new routine. A new style of living, I suppose. I will likely have a new sleep schedule and different living area, and a different group of people who surround me. I'm excited to have the opportunity to control my new environment.

What is one movie that really resonated with you?

Picnic at Hanging Rock. It is enigmatic and artsy, and it left me thinking about it afterwards– the plot and the mystery, but also its underlying themes. Here’s the general synopsis: a group of girls in finishing school go on a picnic, and some go missing. The mystery is never resolved. I like that open-endedness. Not to mention it’s very beautiful in terms of cinematography. It is based on a novel, so it has a lot of memorable phrases. “Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time.”

What always cheers you up?

Going for a walk in a green area. I like watching people feed the birds in parks. I also like listening to CD’s when I am falling asleep.

What is a big life lesson that you have learned through your Masterman experience?

I’ve learned to be a lot more realistic with myself. I don’t mean to be pessimistic, but I’ve learned to trust people less, or at least to be more guarded and reserved. Maybe independent is a better way to put it. I’ve learned to adjust myself to fit my surroundings. And how to support myself - to be my number one person.

What is your favorite club that you’ve been a part of in Masterman?

My favorite club is our Poetry Club because we’ve always been a tight knit environment. This year we’ve had more members than before. It makes me very happy to see other people writing poetry and performing it, and to see that it's still a living art and there is an active interest in it. I love slam. It's non-competitive and everyone is super supportive of one another.

What album/song represents your life right now?

For the majority of the year I was sure that it was The Velvet Underground by The Velvet Underground. Right now, it's The Slider by T. Rex, which is more upbeat. Glamrock vibes I guess. The Velvet Underground is still very important to me as an album - there was a time where I was listening to it daily, all 44 minutes of it. It's music to listen to alone, in the background or while you’re contemplating. My mindset and my priorities have changed over the year, and I'm preparing for a new chapter so I think it’s natural for my musical interests to transition with that.