A Beacon of Hope for the Mentally Gifted: Masterman Football

Henry Margasak (11-4)

This fall, Masterman Football Club shocked the world by being the only single A team to ever win the public league championship. The glory of such a season, however, has only amplified in the spring, with another, more traditional kind of Football: the American kind. While traditional High School football teams normally play during the fall, Masterman has once again adopted an uncharacteristic approach and has elected to play in a much smaller conference, one that only practices during the spring. This decision has proven to be a smart one, as the success seen by the team this year has been unlike anything public school football has ever seen.

While the team might not be the most formidable looking, schools across the Philly metro area need to watch their back as players apply a logical approach to improvement and winning. The team is comprised almost completely of freshman, who are all eager to get their hands dirty on the pitch. The offensive line, with an average height of 5’ 7”, promises to be the focal point of the offense. Fearless team captain Henry Margasak (11-4) plays center for the O - line, and has been responsible for the hospitalization of five opposing pass rushers just this season. Masterman’s passing game and rushing game are both also decently strong, and the coaches make sure that their players have full arsenal of methods of moving the ball down the field.

On the defensive end, Masterman has been virtually unstoppable. While our school might not strike opponents as one that would create vicious, hungry pass rushers and ruthless defensive backs, the energy on the defensive side of the game has been crushing for any opponents. The team has been averaging 23 sacks a game, and hasn’t let up a touchdown all year.

With interest in traditional morale-building activities like spirit week diminishing, Masterman faculty and students need other places to look for things that can bring us all together. These faculty and students now need look no further than Masterman football. A school of self-obsessed nerds now has a select few students that are willing to overcome their pride and ego to be a part of something greater, and put their bodies on the line for the collective good. This is undoubtedly something that we should admire. GO MASTERMAN!