Senior Spotlight: Triona Lawrence (12-2)

Isabel Portner (12-3)

What clubs and activities are you involved in Masterman?

The main club is Allies, which I co-president with Lauryn. I'm also part of frisbee club, MSC, French club and Harry Potter club sometimes. In the Harry Potter club we watch the movies and play trivia. My favorite club is Allies, just because it's all I do. I don't want to call it my “baby” but I am the co-president of it so I feel quite attached to it.

What do you do in the Gender Sexuality Alliance (Allies) club?

On a daily basis, we do current events and general education of the LGBT history. The main things we do for the school are creating lessons and presenting them to 7th and 8th grade to teach them about LGBT terms and how to be a good ally - like not saying slurs and why they are hurtful. We’ve also been fighting for a gender neutral bathroom for a while. We did get one. There's two gender neutral bathrooms on the 5th floor which are currently unusable because of the roof construction and then there is a gender neutral bathroom on the second floor which is also the sixth grade teacher bathroom. Now, we're fighting to get that one changed to just a gender neutral bathroom because there has been some bad interactions between the sixth grade teachers and trans and gender noncomforming students.

Photo courtesy of Isabel Portner (12-3)

What do you plan to major in/do in college?

I plan to major in classics or art history. But I can also see myself going into psych. The job I'm most interested in is restoration and conservation of art. But, in general I kinda just want to go to college to learn and explore my interests.

Do you have any advice for your freshman self?

I would definitely say be more confident. It - just life is more fun when you enjoy it. So have fun. Be chill, be confident, have a good time.

What will you miss most about Masterman?

I'm definitely going to miss seeing friends all the time. And I'm going to miss that although there are distinct friend groups, we all do and can come together to have a good time..I'm going to miss the picnics and dances because it's fun to hang out.

What's your favorite place to go in philly?

Honestly Hip City Veg, and then going to Rittenhouse Square and sitting on a bench and eating that. I like their chickie nuggies (it's fake chickie nuggies) and they have very good burgers.

What’s the color of the number four? (very highly debated topic)

Orange. Three is definitely green. Two is yellow. One is red - for sure. Despite all other numbers, I’m sure we can all concur on the number one being red.

What do you think is the most bacteria ridden part of Masterman?

I was actually just thinking about this. Underneath the toilets. Like the ground right around the toilets. But in a non-bathroom related area, it would probably be all of the fifth floor. It's just drippy up there..also sitting on the floor in the basement is always a gamble.

Do you like mayonnaise? (a highly debated article of food)

I do...but not a lot. I would never just like to eat mayo from the jar. But it's good on sandwiches and it's good in potato salad. Potato salad is an elite food, I would argue.