Rylee Porter Senior Spotlight

Ella Berman '25

You are going to Villanova next year, and I’ve heard that some refer to the college as “Villa-no-fun.” How are you, single handedly, going to fix the reputation of Villanova?

So basically what I’ve been telling people they're not ready for me. Like, they don’t know that I’m coming there so that reputation is about to change. Also, my good friend Maia Keenan will be coming with me so the two of us will be unstoppable. 

You’ve been a member of the softball team for a total of two years now, and I know you’ve picked up a lot of softball strategy during your time on the team. Can you walk me through the best play of your career? 

Absolutely I can. My mouth is full. Uhm. So basically, Bella pitches it. The girl hits it, it's coming straight at me, like looking me dead in the face. I look like a deer in headlights. At first, I’m gonna let it go by me, but then I’m like, let me lock in. So I just caught it with my glove. And then after that I didn’t know what to do because I don’t play softball, so Havana at first base starts screaming “Gimme the ball, gimme the ball,” so I throw it to her and boom, double play, inning over.  

In junior year during the soccer season you broke your collarbone while playing PACHS. Can you walk me through this experience and how it impacted your junior year?

When I broke my collarbone, the thing I remember most is laying on the ground and seeing all my teammates looking at me. That’s the moment I knew I was cooked. But all of my teammates were there to support me, they gave me a little basket with all of my favorite things in it, but after that it was really sad because that was the first time I was actually good at soccer and then I had to stop playing right before playoffs. But I got to join Maia Keenan on the bench with our injuries, and we still had a good time even though we couldn’t play. I was really sad to see the team lose in the championship and there was nothing I could do about it. 

Sometimes injuries give us more perspective on our life. Has this injury had any lasting impact on you this year? Maybe making you more grateful you can walk up the stairs and not need the elevator?

Yes, I’m really glad that I never have to use the elevator again after my injury. I’m really grateful for the elevator key the nurse gave me when I broke my collarbone. 

You bounced back from the collarbone and had a massive season this year, earning the honor of second team all pub. What was your favorite moment from the soccer season this year?

I’d say my favorite moment was beating Franklin Towne in the semifinals in PKs. They’re a really competitive team and I know a lot of people on that tema because it's in my neighborhood. Both sides were getting really passionate about it, I was fighting with a couple girls on the field. And then having it all come down to PKs was so stressful. Mr. Roache was like, “Do you wanna take a PK?” and I was like, “Absolute not.” And then I think I was most happy when Yassmine scored the winning PK. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that happy in my life. That happiness lasted me like a month after that. 

Who is your soccer bus buddy? 

Maia Keenan, she’s been my bus buddy since seventh grade.

What is your favorite soccer bus song? And do you have anything to add about the wonderful DJing that goes on in the back of the bus? 

I won’t speak on the DJsing because I don’t want to get into that, that’s an Ella question. I think that my favorite bus song, I don't know, I kinda like playing Murder on my Mind, it gets me ready to play Central, cause I do have murder on my mind when we play them. 

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

I am a 2048 god. I try to be really humble in most aspects of my life, but this I just cannot be humble about. At one point I was like in the top 20 on the leaderboard on my chromebook and then they got rid of 2048 on my chromebook. I was never able to reach that peak again, but I do have pictures if anyone wants to see. 

It’s 9:10am and we are sitting in lit class and you realize that you have Gov notes due next period. What is your plan of action? (Juniors, take notes) 

So first I text Josh Cohen and see if he’s in discrete or not. If he is in discrete, I text Anya Rubin, and if she doesn’t text me back within two minutes I will text Mrs. Vecsi. But I don’t like to text Mrs. Vecsi because sometimes that printer doesn’t work and then I’m late to gov and that makes Mr. Gilligan mad. So, text your friends, text Mrs. Vecsi. 

You were the moderator of Senior Assassin this year, and let me just say you have put in work to make this happen. Out of all the eliminations, which has been your favorite one? 

The funniest elimination was when Ian chased Alvin down the entire block of Spring Garden. And then the conversation that went on in the group chat after that was priceless. And then, the best elimination was definitely when Kaya got Jasper at the swim party, because she was trying so hard for that and the whole thing was so thought out and I got to watch it from beginning to end. 

As a section-editor of Voices, you’ve seen a lot of writing, and I know you enjoy writing. What is your favorite essay/writing assignment you’ve ever done at Masterman? 

Well, in 10th grade we got a new English teacher, and before we even met this person they posted an assignment for us to write a letter to them about something, but the way it was worded made me really angry so I wrote this nasty, passive-aggressive letter. I did it early, and it was just so mean. I think that’s when that teacher knew I was gonna be their most difficult student ever. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to an incoming freshman at Masterman?

I would say that you will find your people. I came into freshman year not knowing what I was gonna do social wise, a lot of my friends had left. Now all of my friends are the most amazing people and I really love spending time with them. It did take time to get to that point, but it will happen and everything will be okay. 

What song is stuck in your head right now?

Havana: Can’t Stop Singing.

Rylee: NO! That’s you. Like I don’t even wanna say this outloud, but it’s Tomioka but the Flo Milli part.