Senior Spotlight: Calvin Lo (12-2)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Calvin Lo (11-2)

What Masterman clubs are you a member of this year?

[I’m in] ACA (Asian Cultural Association), Science Olympiad, Pre-med Club, and Chemistry Club. And I’m also managing Swim and Badminton if [badminton] is happening.

What are some of your hobbies?

I only really have one that I like to talk about: modern calligraphy. General ones— I read every so often but now I can’t really because of work and I play some games on my phone.

What got you into calligraphy?

Back when in 8th grade Francesca, she was the original calligrapher. And I got so into it just by seeing her write that I was like “I gotta get my own!” So that’s where it came from.

What does your day typically look like?

On an average school day, I wake up at 6 in the morning. I get ready, have breakfast, and leave the house at 7. Luckily enough, my dad can drive me here so it’s not that bad of a trip. 8 hours pass because of school and generally, I go home to do some work. That's my day, it’s not too interesting.

What do you plan on studying in college?

In college, I plan on majoring in landscape architecture. For those who don’t know it’s just architecture but for landscape. I’ve had that thought in my mind since ninth grade— pretty early on— because of career day. There was a station for it and I was like “wow!” That professor— whatever he said— was very interesting. So when I went home, I looked it up and I was like “ok I’ll adopt this as my major.” It’s stayed with me for four years and hopefully for the rest of my life.

What are you excited to experience in college?

I honestly haven't really thought about it. I mean— I do want to just stay around here but I don’t know, everyone says that “oh, you get to experience freedom in college” and I’m like “sure, that’s interesting but also I’m afraid of living alone.” I have no basic survival skills.

I (Annetta) said, “I am also afraid of living alone… but as long as I had a roommate or someone that I could trust to live with me, I would be fine” to which Calvin replied, “I agree, as long as I have a roommate that I can trust, I’m fine.”

What are you looking forward to this school year?

Getting things back to normal, hanging out with friends. What else? Not stressing too much because I’ve already done enough of that.

Are things getting back to normal so far?

Uhh, as normal as it can be. I mean, we had that one day online.

What are some of your pet peeves?

I have to think about this one. Generally, I don’t really get too annoyed at people because I don’t generally bring too much emotion into that. I tend to— I’m very oblivious to my outside world so generally nothing annoys me that much. Nothing annoys me until [it annoys me] but that will only last a couple seconds and then I’m like “whatever, fine.” I don’t hold grudges.

What is the craziest highschool memory you have?

What has happened this year? I guess just the school’s infrastructure— falling. We had that roof tile from the fourth floor and then back in ninth grade English, that one time, the ceiling tile fell in the middle of class and it hit somebody. It hit Andy in the middle of class. And the roof is in shambles.

What is your MBTI? Do you think that it defines your personality correctly?

Well I only just got into it like one year ago and so since that one year, it’s been INTJ - T. I think the name for it is “The Architect” which is surprising! And generally what [I’ve been] reading about it online— yeah, I guess it kind of fits [me]. Logic over emotion and I think that fits me. But I don't know, I don't know how much of it defines me or I define it.

What is your motto/ favorite quote?

Hmmm… The one I stick to the most is “Don’t worry too much.” Just care for yourself, that’s all.

Quick Favorites:

Color: Green— any brighter greens but definitely not neon green.

Book: It’s been my answer for the longest time: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.

Pokemon Character: Character or Pokemon or either? Favorite pokemon 100% Chandelure.

Picture of flourishes courtesy of Calvin Lo

Animal: I’m going to go with something basic: a red panda.

Season: Spring or fall, they’re pretty fifty-fifty.

Calligraphy pen/ style: Style? Just modern calligraphy styles but with a ton of flourishes— I really like flourishes. (flourishes are just the extra lines added onto the letters to make them look prettier and sometimes harder to read