Our Endorsement

Like many of Masterman’s clubs, Voices was asked to choose one of the two candidates running for Mock Election to endorse. The Editorial Board discussed, and decided to endorse a candidate--as long as we did it deliberately and reasonably. There is a long and well-established transition of newspapers endorsing candidates. The endorsement reflects the values of the newspaper, which in our case include support for the public school system, freedom of the press, the ability to see a story from multiple sides, and the presence of a clear and unique voice. Those on the Editorial Board who are also working on a campaign recused themselves from the decision. Publishing an endorsement helps us clarify our values and participate in this long established newspaper tradition; reading an endorsement allows mock election voters to practice evaluating and responding to endorsements, which are made in the real world all of the time. Following the example of the New York Times, we conducted interviews with both candidates and picked the candidate we felt would serve the country best.

Photo provided by Masterman Mock Election Joe Biden campaign

Voices is choosing to endorse Joe Biden because we believe his values align with ours. Biden understands the importance of journalism. In our interview, Biden said “Day one as President, I will return to daily press briefings at the White House, U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Department of Defense. I believe the government derives power from the people, and the people must be informed through the press, something the current administration has sorely neglected.” He also appreciates the necessity of the free press. Today’s world has seen attacks against journalism like never before, and Biden has promised to push to protect the free press at home and abroad. Voices appreciates the stances that Biden has and that he acknowledges the importance of freedom of speech and press. But that’s just our opinion--we welcome you to read their answers to our interview questions, and form your own.