Ethics Bowl: A Brief Introduction

Lucas Koo (9-2)

Ethical issues are an extremely present topic in today’s social climate. For years we have asked ourselves what is considered ethical and what is not. Although it is usually the adults that make the final decision, it is important for high school students to create their own opinion on important issues. Many people confuse debate and ethical discussions. According to the National High School Ethics Bowl, “An ethics bowl differs from a debate competition in that students are not assigned opposing views; rather, they defend whichever position they think is correct.” Students win by showcasing their ability to think critically and show respect for the other team as well as their team members. This allows students to learn the necessary skills to answer tough ethical questions in a collaborative environment. At Masterman, we have an Ethics Bowl. Our school placed third in a recent competition. I interviewed Cyrus, a member of the team. When asked about what he likes about the club, Cyrus responded, “ I liked the topics –they were very interesting, and even after the debates or meets, I would think about the topics or discuss them with my friends.” Cyrus also talks about how it is similar to the debate in that you can discuss topics, but in a more free form style where you can think on your own instead of being assigned to either pro or con. Ethics Bowl is a club where you can express your opinions on ethical issues. It helps students to learn to collaborate while discussing ethical conflicts.