2022 Anonymous Crush Descriptions

Natalia Bieszczad (10-4) & Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Anonymous crush submissions are a time-honored tradition in the February edition of Voices. Despite the many ongoing changes at Masterman, this tradition is here to stay. These submissions are an opportunity for students to describe their crush and confess their feelings without the pressure of making a move. That being said, feel free to take your guess at the identity of the crush, or the crusher. After all, that is half the fun.

9th grade

4’11. Short hair, mentally unstable, awkward, easily peer pressured, gives me butterflies in my feet, nice eyes (dirt colored)

I'm hopelessly in love with someone in my gym class. Every time they run past I get a whiff of their masculine, savory, husky cologne. Their eyes radiate crimson when they dunk in basketball and dap me up afterwards. His passion for Howard Shore makes my knees weak. I wish I could give him the world and more.

She has glasses, curly hair, short, wears sweaters, is not very tall, has a white twin, below average height, rings, phone case falling apart. Everytime I look at her she sweeps me off my feet. I have never felt the same way since I met them. I am in love.

She has a really pretty bob cut with bangs, she makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach and brightens my day every time I see her.

5'2, straight hair, Harry Potter looking glasses (no prescription), Chinese (Fuzhou), likes dressing up, black hair, girl, good at history

He is tall, hot, and kind. My face lights up when he walks in the room. I wish he would ask me out :/

I rly like his smile. I know people just say that but honestly every time he smiles it just makes me smile

My crush has short black hair. Kind of quiet but they talk a lot around their friends. Sometimes I catch them staring from the corner of my eye 👀 Anyways I haven't interacted with them this much this year but I hope to when I get more confidence.

She's really cool, and so talented. Her humor is great and she has a lot of hobbies. Her hair is always so perfect and I wish I knew her better. I'll be honest I stalk her instagram but idk if she likes girls.

Jinda smells musty but he's cute and his jokes never fail to make me smile.

His badminton skills leave me in awe 😍. I find myself speechless every time he flexes his Clash Royale skills. The way he snorts is so attractive. Aside from the pubestache I caught a glimpse of once, he is so dreamy.

Short (4´11), short black hair(really short), outgoing introvert, wants to have a life where she can have fun and not worry about anything else (really specific events she wants to experience, very questionable choices [but I don´t judge]), pretty funny and nice, cute

10th grade

Indian, curly hair, dreamy brown eyes, 5 foot 6. They have the nicest smile, very smart and good at math. They make me feel really happy.

​​He's very tall, Japanese, curly hair in the front, straight hair in the back. He's on the varsity basketball team and I love watching him play. They make me feel scared and I like to talk to him. He's so nice but intimidating. p.s. His last name is Harrington.

Ecuadorian beast, always dresses the best, has the loudest most beautiful voice that carries so far.

Blond hair, blue eyes, French, very good at tennis. They are so smart and very elegant. They live in a great estate that I'm very jealous of.

They are a tall, athletic man with beautiful hair. They are so nice to me everyday but I don't think they share the feelings that I have for them. I watch him play basketball everyday and it's something to behold. He's so intimidating and I get so nervous around him. I'll never be able to talk to him. He is definitely the cutest Mangum.

Roughly 5'9, somewhat dirty blonde, really really really hot 🤤 good at math, always gets called on somehow, good shoe game. p.s. if you're somehow reading this ilyyyyy 😘😘😘😘 see u in math bbg❤️❤️❤️❤️

Short brown hair, very good at chess and mobile legends. Wears glasses. I used to sit next to him in science class.

He has light brown hair and long bangs. His height is about 5'4. His eyes are a dreamy black. He stands at about 5'6, but he has a very tall personality. (He's my short king) He's insane at tennis and always wears a blue tennis sweatshirt.

6'2, Wasian, brown eyes, brown hair, so funny, cute, he makes me flabbergasted when he passes me. He loves basketball, so I'm going to shoot my shot.

They have brown hair, dark brown eyes, kinda short, athletic, they me feel like they are my soulmate and nothing else in the world matters as long as I have her.

She’s in 10-2. She has blond hair and green eyes. Her outfits are always on point. Her personality is so amazing and I don’t know how to tell her. She makes me feel on top of the world.

They’re kinda boring but they’re alright I guess. They make me feel included and happy. They’re also nice to look at.

She’s gorgeous but is so goofy and smart. She makes me happy to be around her but probably doesn’t realize that I think of her as a little more than just a friend. That’s okay tho’, I’m content as long as I can keep being around her.

He's a cute sophomore with dreamy dazzling brown eyes and soft fluffy brown hair. He's insanely intelligent and rather chaotic, always cracking jokes and randomly bursting into song. I love the way he laughs, how he can be such a gentleman at times, all the little nicknames he calls me, and talking on facetime with him for hours. He always looks so sharp wearing his sweaters and collared fits and is just so comforting to sit next to, not to mention that he always looks so hot grrr.

He has a fantastic sense of humor and always says funny things in the middle of class. Despite this he still does really well in classes and is always willing to help others which is so caring. He often shares insights and opinions during class which are always interesting. His outfits always look so cool and he is often listening to music. He is loud. He has dark hair and often wears a beanie or baseball cap which always looks cool

She is tall and has lightish brown long hair and wears crop tops a lot. She is really kind and always willing to advocate for others and what she believes in. She has great leadership skills! Her sense of humor is good, though I've never really talked to her before :( She stands up for womens’ rights a lot which I admire so much! She is really pretty, smart, and funny. She’s dating someone at the moment tho’.

Their hair is a really beautiful dark brown, their eyes a mesmerizing blue green. They're a really fun person to be around. They make a lot of jokes, sometimes inappropriate. I don't know, it kind of feels like everything makes sense when I see them. Like the world's only right when I look at them. It's so hard to explain. I just hope they feel the same way.

Messy black hair and he wears glasses. He has such a sweet personality and every time I’m talking with him my heart skips a beat.

Everytime I see my crush in the halls, my heart palpitates with an unquenchable thirst. His dark brown orbs are tantalizing, and the way he speaks so passionately about his interests evokes an admiration so primal it drives me mad. I worship the very ground he walks on with his chunky shoes.

11th grade

4'8" and constantly getting on my nerves.

She’s so beautiful and stunning 🤩 She’s so smart and every day I see her I fall a bit more in love 😍 Her name rhymes with Badie Sargolian and shes my soulmate xoxo 💋.

The hottest girl in the school, like actually. On varsity girls’ basketball. Has an okay shot. Cool style. Not a great listener. Super nice but not to her friends. Black and Native American.

Tall, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, beautiful and funny. Really tall.

He's so cool tbh he's kinda short tho but overall very nice to hang out with and he brings me soooo much joy☺️☺️☺️ . One of the best people I've ever met in my life plus he's chronically online and uses Discord and plays Genshin and osu! and that's soooo attractive.

She makes me smile everyday. She has stunning straight black hair, shoulder length. Her glasses frame her face perfectly <3 . When I see her at her locker my heart skips a beat. She's so good at math and physics. She's very shy but when you get to know her she's feisty. Dag dag beautiful <3.

She is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. She’s so kind and nice. She’s in advisory and sits just by the door! I want to talk with her more but I feel so scared. Maybe I can work up the courage to shoot my shot. She has curly dark hair and has good fits everyday. Except her backpack is so big.

I have been simping over this man for literally forever. Someone get me out of here because I don't even know what I find attractive about him. He's Asian, pretty smart, moderately humorous, and everything else nice. Just kidding. He sucks. It's just core memory for me at this point. He has a pretty lame personality, and he makes me feel pretty lame. Has probably talked to me about 3 times, but I'll take it ig. But like a surprise shawty! U still my no. 1 boo <3.

The junior Asian girl on the frisbee team is the absolute love of my life. SHE IS SO GORGEOUS!ESPECIALLY WITH HER HAIRCUT! I have never spoken to her, but overhear things and she is so sweet and funny and amazing! And she’s in BC! How smart! Way outta my league!! I am enamored. I am mesmerized. I am infatuated. I am in love. Jianwei, will you go to prom with me? - orange shirt 😉.

He has ginger hair, freckles, and is a triple threat when it comes to sports (soccer, basketball, and baseball). He has the most contagious smile and is really funny.

Light brown short hair, green eyes, tall, plays for the Masterman Boys’ Soccer team, in AB Calc. He doesn't talk much but he seems like a nice person.

Tall, Asian, long beautiful black hair that sometimes curls, beautiful brown eyes, amazing figure, hilarious, cute and pretty, fun yet shy, and loves hugs. Waiting for her outside the classroom makes my heart flutter and looking into her eyes makes me dizzy because of how pretty they are. I wish one day, they can see me like I see them.

There is a guy that is kind of notorious in grade 11, and I don't think I've seen him before this year. He seems really smart and I could listen to him talk all day. His sense of humor is a little questionable, but he makes me laugh.

He is the most stoic, non talking Caucasian man I have ever met in my life. I think he is a runner too, but he curses a lot. I want to approach him, but every time I see him he's with his group of friends and they all look intimidating. I'm so scared to talk to him because he gives me butterflies.

He’s Asian and super tall and sits with the group of guys on their phone at lunchtime, never seems like he’s smiling but he has a piercing?

Reminds me of like a teddy bear… a partially-shredded half-torn one-eyed one-legged teddy bear :D.

Tall Asian dude with glasses. Quiet and friendly. Idk if he’s single tho’.

Short, wavy brown hair, brown eyes. I needa slide already but I am nervous for real.

12th grade

My best friend's older sister.

They have brown hair, wear glasses(?), and play 2 “sports” really well! Although I’m not close with them, I want to be. They seem like a good person — respectable, would treat me right and keep me laughing. Unlike with my previous crushes, I don’t feel nervous around this special person even when we make eye contact. I wonder what that means.

60s pixie dream girl, mixed race. Everyone has a crush on her. You'll know who I'm talking about when you see them. She always looks like she’s wandering around in her own world, like music follows her everywhere. She reminds me of nighttime because she's got dark features and a calm demeanor and sometimes she wears jewelry with moons or stars on it. She makes you feel special. Since we're graduating soon I'm really going to miss seeing her everyday even though we're not close. She ain't easy to forget.

He’s about 5’8 or 5’9, he’s funny but awkward sometimes, he likes to skate, and he works outside of Philly.

She is about five feet and four or five inches in height with the most gorgeous eyes ever. She has such amazing style and personality - mysterious, but so rewarding to get to know. Her laugh is absolutely adorable. She also does really pretty things with her hair; she recently changed the color and it looks so good. I think the most attractive thing about her is her sheer intelligence. I haven't told her I like her yet. It's not that I haven't had the chance to - she leads two of the clubs that I'm in and we've hung out several times - but I just can't get the words out when she's right in front of me. Hopefully she reads this and gets the hint.

She’s super skinny with long gorgeous jet black hair and chicken legs. She also has a thing for ugly politicians and malnourished cross country boys.

She got that cool hair and doesn't dress like all the girl clones. She gets me laughin’, too.

She's really pretty. Her voice sounds really nice and friendly. She is Wasian and has dark brown hair, recently dyed purplish. I love her bangs so much. Her fashion sense is so good. She wears long sleeve scoop necked shirts with bell bottom jeans. It looks so nice. Her backpack is gray and has stars on it. She played violin and was in step during the winter concert and her hair was gorgeous. I have never talked to her before.

She’s a gorgeous senior with this beautiful dark hair that just looks magical every single day without fail. She has this sweet-like-honey voice, so kind and soft but twinkly and bright. Sometimes I say hi just to hear it. She is so smart but so humble, she is really funny without even trying hard, she does about a thousand activities, and she is truly the sweetest person around - anyone who’s been around her could attest to that fact. Wish we knew each other better but she seems so sweet and likable I get nervous that I’ll be such a loser in comparison. I hope she knows how lovely she is just to exist near. (Additional struggle: Is she queer too? Eternal questions).

Short Indian twins, they’re geniuses.. very interesting and funny girls.

She’s incredibly intelligent and also naturally beautiful with brown hair that she never styles (well she ties it back to run) and big brown eyes with long, dark eyelashes. She’s insecure about her smile and her laugh but I’m in love with them. She always has something profound to say in Lit and she’s also one of the three people who ever answer questions correctly in Chem and Comp Sci. She’s very humble about her achievements. She has a habit of putting herself down or making herself seem lesser than she is, but she never does it to others. She can be either pretty quiet or really energetic depending on who she’s with, but her personality is always attractive. She’s a humanitarian. I love when she tells me about her work in free ESL or mentoring elementary kids or gardening for her church or picking up litter in the city because I can tell she’s so immersed in it and it’s clear she has true passion. She is also a wanna-be vegetarian. She definitely won’t read this but I hope she finds out before we graduate. I’m planning on asking her to prom but I'm a little scared that she’ll want to go with someone else.

He’s handsome, has black hair and in my opinion, looks kinda like a really huggable teddy bear. He’s really nice, and he gives off a calming, soothing vibe. But he can also be really funny. He’s not bothered by toxic masculinity and isn’t afraid to be who he really is. And he has GREAT style, especially compared to other boys at Masterman. I’ve never really talked to him before this year, but I feel at peace around him. Being around him and having these feelings for him makes me feel like I’m in an unrequited love novel because he probably doesn’t have feelings for me. But, a girl can dream, right?