Why Not Us?: Jesse Turkson (‘17) and the Boys’ Basketball Team

Manas Narula (12-3)

Photo courtesy of Jesse Turkson

“Why not us?” In 2017, this became the team’s motto, led by then-senior Jesse Turkson. Through four years of bonding, acclimating to each others’ skill sets, and creating an all-around tight-knit group, Masterman’s basketball team was able to garner a state playoff berth, an honor that had not previously been capitalized upon by a Masterman squad. After surviving an early scare, Masterman clinched a matchup with 22-4 Marian Catholic. The yellow bus filled, and Masterman high school students, donned in black, made their way to cheer on school history. Through a hard-fought four quarters, Masterman pushed through to secure the win. History was made.

English teacher Mr. Roache became the varsity coach during Jesse’s freshman year, and to see his team come together to lead Masterman basketball to new heights is a memory which he will cherish forever: “I was out of my mind when we won that first game. We came down to the locker room after the game, and I couldn’t control myself. I was getting up on the benches, and it was just a great feeling. They worked so hard and to have it come to fruition like that in the state tournament, which no other Masterman team had ever done … it was just a special run.” Jesse recalled an example of their unparalleled chemistry on the bus ride home when the whole team roared: “Why not us? Why not us?”

Although their run ultimately came to an end in the third round, the 2017 Masterman Basketball team had racked up another win during the tournament and created longtime memories for the players, fans, and coaches. Besides Jesse’s domination on the court, Mr. Roache spoke to his focused nature and steady leadership: “Liam was the most vocal leader, but Jesse was just as much a leader; he would say a few words in the huddle. Few and far between. He would only say a few words, and everyone listened to him. He always said something when there was something really important to be said. So he wasn’t a guy who was directing guys all the time, but he definitely led by example.” Jesse proved, time and time again, that he was that example--on and off the court.

Jesse is now continuing his basketball prowess at Haverford University, where he leads the team in points and rebounds, and the Fords have earned a rank of #8 in the Mid-Atlantic region. But Jesse’s journey to prominence in the Division 3 Collegiate level has not risen from the dust; he attributes a great deal of his success to the work ethic he developed during his four years at Masterman: “[Masterman’s preparation] was the biggest thing. Masterman really prepared me for college; a lot of the things that I have had to do in high school are similar now when I am playing at college. While I was in high school, I thought some of the mundane activities that we were doing were kind of just repetitive, but now in college, I see that you really have to have that work ethic that I got in order to be successful. And I am really indebted to Masterman for that matter.” While in the coming weeks, Jesse and the Haverford Basketball Team is looking to continue their quest to conquer the Centennial Conference, Jesse also has his eyes set on an Economics major in the long-term. Jesse reflected on his initial intentions and expressed his interest in Finance: “Originally, when I first came into college, I thought [playing basketball] was a potential path if I was good enough to play overseas. But now, I do think, with the Economics major, that I’m going to go into Finance, and I’m excited to see where that takes me.” Jesse Turkson may be moving away from basketball, but the example he set for student-athletes lives on. Why not us?