Senior Spotlight:

Isaac Finn

Katie Huynh (12-2)

Photo courtesy of Isaac Finn (12-2)

If you could describe your quarantine experience in one word, what would it be and why?

This might be surprising but actually: (really) busy. I’ve been finding a lot of different ways to spend my time in quarantine whether it be with homework or recording music or filming videos or playing video games or going on bike rides. I always have a lot of different ways I occupy my time.

What is your favorite online school moment so far?

I really enjoyed the Netflix Parties! We watched the Bee Movie which I actually have a poster of up in my room. The movie is laughably bad, but somehow so good at the same time which is kinda crazy. When this was first starting I would wake up everyday at 9:30 for my 10 o'clock English class and it was just nice to be able to read some short stories and talk about them and our lives and I’m just looking forward to continuing classes for moments like that.

What is your favorite pair of socks? What do you feel has been your most iconic outfit you’ve worn so far?

My favorite socks are these ones I bought at a punk rock flea market with Benjamin Franklin holding a boombox on them. They’re pretty cool. I think my most iconic outfit is probably my jumpsuit. I bought it in New York. I was eating at a restaurant and the waiter was wearing it and I asked him where he got them and I was expecting him to say some cool thrift store nearby, but he said “oh I make these they’re for sale next door!” so I immediately went over and bought them. So I guess I have a piece of up and coming New York fashion. Lots of people think I look like a fireman when I wear it so I guess it’s pretty iconic. My overalls might be iconic too since everyone calls me a farmer when I wear them, but I don’t mind. I think I look good in them so it doesn't matter what people think, but those are definitely the two outfits people know me best by.

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

I think a fairly obvious favorite memory is us winning spirit week for the first time in freshman year. It was just iconic and unforgettable being the first white team to win. Another one would probably be winning spirit week last year, coming back from being behind and ending up winning. Both of those times the auditorium just went wild and it was fun to see. Another fond memory I have is this year on the varsity basketball team whenever I would score the crowd and my friends who attended went crazy and cheered me on. It really showed the unity and compassion of our grade and how much of a family we really are.

Do you have any words of encouragement for your classmates?

I guess just that the universe KNOWS what needs to happen for you… so trust the universe. Everything is going to work out. I know that all of my classmates are going to do great things in the future so I really just can’t wait to see what’s next for everyone!

What is your favorite cheesy joke?

*read in a southern accent* What do you call a deer with no eyes? No ideer.

Photo courtesy of Isaac Finn (12-2)