Senior Spotlight: Caleb Townsend (12-4)

Anna O’Neill-Dietel (12-3)

Photo courtesy of Caleb Townsend (12-4)

What will you miss about Masterman after graduation?

A roof with basketball courts that were openly accessible any point in the day. During quarantine I haven't had the opportunity to play basketball that much, I kinda took that for granted. At Masterman, at lunch or after school, you could always play basketball as long as you had a ball and a few other people. I’ll also miss the fact that I know everyone in my grade and the grade below me. It’s weird, because Masterman is both a middle school and high school, there’s a special community that forms. At college I won’t have such a small environment.

You are part of slam poetry. What is that experience like?

I joined last year. Every Friday there’d be a competition of some sort. It was less competitive, but a bunch of schools gathered to hear the artwork of other students It was really uplifting and encouraging. We’d meet at the Free Library. But because of quarantine we haven’t had that experience. This year, more people have joined, and students from Masterman are still able to share their work.

You are a point guard for Masterman’s basketball team. Do you have any favorite memories from that?

There’s times when we would have an open gym for varsity and JV. It was fun to play against each other. Sometimes Mr. Gilken would come play with us.

You’re on the basketball team and ultimate frisbee team. Can you talk about a challenge or hard fought victory?

In basketball I didn't get that much playing time, so I had to really prove my spot. Last year I ended up starting for the last game I played on JV. I was one of the older kids because I hadn’t played much freshman or sophomore year. It was like a skill gap because I didn’t play consistently. But junior year I really tried.

What has your experience in Mock Trial been like?

Mock trial started 11th grade, last year. Before the year started we went to boot camp and met students from other schools and got taught what to expect from professional lawyers. Last year we got to experience going to actual courtrooms. It was an immersive experience. This year I like it because it’s easier to meet people on zoom. Sometimes it’s awkward because a lot of people have technical difficulties. But overall I like it, I think I want to do something similar in college.

What’s the most difficult case you’ve had?

It’s a civil suit involving two business partners who run this energy company. one of the business partners has sudden cardiac arrest and dies. The whole case is finding out if the other business partner is liable for the other partner's death because he is involved in making him ingest a toxin, or if it’s the other business partner's fault for his own death because of prior drug abuse and heart problems. It’s difficult to come up with a linear story to prove this.

You volunteered in the school store. What was the best part of volunteering, and what was your go to purchase?

I liked being able to help out the students of the school by selling food and being involved in the school. My favorite thing we sold was Takis.

What’s your favorite book?

My favorite book is called Nobody: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, From Ferguson to Flint and Beyond. It educated me on issues African Americans face in the United States. As an African American, I’m glad to understand that because if I use my education and opportunities wisely, I’ll be able to help make an impact on people who don’t have those opportunities and take on some of the institutional racism we have in the United States of America.

If you could give advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Do your homework and study for tests. High school is very different from middle school. Also, be compassionate towards your friends. They'll stick with you.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I want to be a lawyer. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do with a law career. If I can both work to both improve the criminal justice system and do corporate law, and maybe be an agent for an entertainer or athlete, that would be cool. I’ve also always loved rap music. I want to drop an album. Sometimes I make music in my spare time that I have saved on my phone. I worked with Willem last year to make some songs.

In a world where everyone has the vaccine, what is the first thing you’d do?

Go hoop. Go play basketball with my friends.