Maeve McNichol Senior Spotlight

Gavriela Kalish-Schur '24

You were recently Belle in Beauty and the Beast, what was your favorite memory of the production. 

This year I really got to act with every friend that I haven’t gotten to act with before. When you are the connecting part between every universe you get to see everyone. This allowed me to get closer my friends, making jokes in rehearsal and seeing them perform. 

What is your favorite role that you have played. 

Last year when I played Paulette [in Legally Blonde] it was one of the most rewarding experiences in my entire life. With roles like that you can take what you are given and add so much more. You can give them this extensive backstory and get to know them as you would a real person and that was something I really loved to do with Paulette. 

Do you plan to pursue music or acting in the future, either in college or beyond?

I plan to double major in psychology and theater or drama depending on where I end up. I want to do something with art therapy. Working with kids in the clinical psychology field. Helping them process things through dramatic interpretation or physical art or another type of art medium. 

In addition to performance you are a songwriter; tell us about your process. 

What has been the best part about senior year?

I am very active in the music department so becoming closer to those people has been amazing. Taking music theory and drama has also been such a treat for me. Having great teachers that encourage the creative side of people’s personalities. 

What has been your favorite class at Masterman?

I really enjoy AP Lit. I love talking about books and I love any sort of open forum discussion. The books that we are reading are also really fun to talk about. 

If you could be any Disney princess who would it be?

Merida, from Brave. She is so funny and so witty so I would probably say her.