SLAM Robotics Starts Up a New Year

Leonard Vekker (11-4) and Rainer Arendt (11-1) 

“We are constantly innovating and testing the creative limits of our minds,” says junior robotics regulations manager Owen Cheung (11-1). Robotics, an after-school activity that takes the crossroads of engineering, 3D design, and computer science, gives students the opportunity to create robots in a competitive setting. 

SLAM Robotics, the six-year partnership between Masterman and Science Leadership Academy (SLA) meets twice a week at SLA’s workshop, a specialized lab with resources for engineering and robotics uses. Participants receive mentorship from industry leaders such as NASA and the United States Navy. Additionally, the program has over $50,000 in grants and sponsorships from organizations such as Boeing, Markforged, Lockheed Martin, and the Philadelphia Robotics Coalition. The 50-person team’s substantial support provides students with the opportunity to be successful in competitions.

SLAM typically competes in around 3–4 invitationals each season, and last year they even had a team qualify for the State Championship. Building upon last year’s success, this year the team aspires to qualify for Worlds. Each year, FIRST robotics establishes new requirements, and each team has to build a robot designed to complete a series of specific tasks. This year, teams will build autonomous robots designed to launch a paper airplane, pick up hexagonal pixels, and hang from a bar and do a pull-up. 

Even though Robotics season officially kicks off in February, SLAM is already developing ideas for their robots and looking to host their own competition. Big things lie ahead for this year’s robotics team, as successful recruitment has resulted in a team with the most new members in program history. With new energy and interest, the beginner-friendly club hopes to implement exciting new initiatives. “This year we are particularly focused on club diversity and gender equity,” notes Owen Cheung (11-1). Overall, new leadership, initiatives, and goals, are likely to bode well for the ambitious SLAM robotics team.

To join, talk to a club leader or show up to their meetings at SLA’s workshop after school at 3:30 on Tuesdays and 4:00 on Thursdays.