Senior Spotlight: Anyuta Kozhushok (12-2)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Anyuta Kozhushok (12-2)

Tell us a bit about your high school experience. What clubs/activities have you done?

I’m a part of Pep Squad; I’ve been a leader the past two years. A lot of you haven’t had the chance to experience our events like the dances or the winter showcase. We used to cheer at basketball games, but we can’t do that anymore. We had virtual dances online last year, trying to keep up the spirit. I’ve also been playing volleyball. I’m in SGA, which is fun. I get to help make sure things happen. Yearbook --I’m excited to put together our senior yearbook this year. I’m also in the United Minority Council. We attended Zoom meetings to help make changes at our school and in the school district as a whole and make it more equitable for students. We also did a mentorship program for fifth and sixth graders, students that would be able to talk to us if they were having problems with a teacher.

Tell us a bit about your high school experience. What clubs/activities have you done?

I’m a part of Pep Squad; I’ve been a leader the past two years. A lot of you haven’t had the chance to experience our events like the dances or the winter showcase. We used to cheer at basketball games, but we can’t do that anymore. We had virtual dances online last year, trying to keep up the spirit. I’ve also been playing volleyball. I’m in SGA, which is fun. I get to help make sure things happen. Yearbook --I’m excited to put together our senior yearbook this year. I’m also in the United Minority Council. We attended Zoom meetings to help make changes at our school and in the school district as a whole and make it more equitable for students. We also did a mentorship program for fifth and sixth graders, students that would be able to talk to us if they were having problems with a teacher.

What is your favorite volleyball memory?

I think this year as a whole has been the best season. My favorite memory is probably just our bus rides to the games, jamming out; we love that. Our team spirit. I feel like throughout my years of high school this has been the best year and I feel like our team is just united. I loved our feast in Ms. Vesci’s room, and the Halloween practice. I’m looking forward to Friendsgiving.

What is your favorite class? Favorite memory from that class?

I have to shout out Ms. Vesci. I liked APUSH, but I know a lot of people didn’t. This is my favorite memory: in 9th grade English class, we were sitting in room 303, right hand side in the back and the ceiling tile fell on me and my friend. We were sitting there learning about Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird and the wet ceiling tile dropped right in the middle of us. Mr. Gilken was teaching. It was an experience, that’s for sure. I loved his class too. He always made it fun with games, the golfing game, into the cup. I know I almost made it in one time. And Vesci, of course, last year. I just love history so that’s why I liked her class.

What kinds of things have you done outside of school during high school?

I’ve participated a lot in my Ukrainian community. I went to Ukrainian school for 12 long years, so for 4 years during high school. I volunteer at my church at various events. I’ve held a fundraiser at the festivals in the summer and the spring. I’ve sold food and traditional clothing. In the summer I volunteered as a camp counselor for my church camp for three or four weeks. That was fun. I just had some fun with the kids. I was part of organizing their activities for the day. I taught them a dance, we made a whole performance; it took four weeks. They're all really talented kids. We had water balloon fights, all of the summer activities.

If you could offer some advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Live in the moment more and enjoy it. I feel like I was eager to grow up and I was always worrying about what was coming next. I feel like just to calm down, enjoy everything and also not to worry as much about grades because at the end of the day it does not matter. I remember specifically that I did not do that well in geometry that year [9th], and it was literally my worst grade in high school. I remember it today but it seems so small now. It was such a big deal then and I feel like it was not really necessary. In the grand scheme of things, a “B” won't matter, a “C” won't matter. It's all good.

Anything you wish were different about your high school experience?

Junior year. We missed out on a lot. I missed Spirit Week, because now we only have three in person. I feel like it was kind of a blessing to be online junior year, because it's the hardest year of high school. We missed out on a lot of high school experiences because we were at home. Everyday blends in. At school things don’t blend in because remember ‘on this day somebody fell out of their chair.’ I just miss those types of memories and when I think about junior year it's kind of like a blur.

What are you most looking forward to in college? Least looking forward to?

Honestly, freedom. Just going to class at whatever time I want to go to class, hanging out with friends. I’m excited about college. I'm probably going to be dorming so I’m excited to be out there on my own and to start living on my own. Out in the real world like an adult, starting to learn. Excited to meet new people because at Masterman, we’ve been together for quite a long time.

What are you least looking forward to?

The work. I feel like it's going to be hard but I also feel like Masterman has prepared us for that. Still, it's something I’m definitely dreading.

What’s on your bucket list?

Traveling, a lot. I hope that somehow it works out. I just want to visit a country or more on every continent. I want to be well rounded. Experience different cultures. Through study abroad, if I have the opportunity in college, I would definitely do that. I know it's only one country but it's something. I have lots of dreams, but traveling is most important. I also want to go on adventures like skydiving and bungee jumping.

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

I don't really have a strong opinion because I’ve eaten pineapple on pizza and it's fine. It's just not what I’d prefer. No clear cut answer on that.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Well I just want to wish everyone a good rest of the year. Just keep it going. You got this; we got this.