Dating Advice from Masterman’s Longest Running Couple

Tal Netz (11-3)

Photographed by Theo Wyss-Flamm (12-4)

It seems as though Bix and Annamarie, the longest running couple at Masterman, have cracked the code to a long and prosperous high school relationship. As of February 4th, Bix and Annamarie have been dating for four years. Their first date was in 8th grade. It was a classic ice skating outing: a popular first date go-to. Bix admitted to falling and getting “dusted” by Annamarie in the rink, but it was not as painfully awkward as most first dates go, besides running into Bix’s neighbor.

As two very busy people with strenuous extracurriculars, they remarked that it is hard to find the time to go out with each other. Bix is a rower and Annamarie is a pianist, resulting in two very busy schedules. Their suggestion for couples with a similar plight: communicate! “Make sure that you both know what you want from the relationship and what you’re able or not able put in. One of the first things that I told Bix was that the piano for me will always come first,” commented Annamarie. By voicing her opinions, she said that they avoided unnecessary miscommunications. In the same respect, Annamarie suggests: “If you’re worried about getting left on read or something like that, just ask them about it. Chances are that they fell asleep or had something to do or someone was talking to them. It’s probably not that they hate you, calm down.”

Annamarie and Bix were friends before they started dating, which they suggest is a good place to start and get to know the other person. This is also a pro-tip to avoid having to encounter the uncomfortable “meet-the-parents” situation later down the road. When they started talking as friends, they realized that they had little in common, but that made their conversations more engaging, as they could exchange interests and introduce the other to new things. “We also try to show each other our activities. One time he showed me his video games and I did his makeup. It was pretty funny. It was a fun way to laugh nicely at each other,” said Annamarie.

As for dates, Annamarie and Bix suggest to not stress too much about the actual activity; spending time with each other is the most valuable aspect of going out. The two typically walk around the city together and often find themselves noticing things that they would normally overlook. They do however suggest Spruce Street Harbor Park, the movies, or tacos, if you’re looking to spice up a monotonous routine or are in need of a cute first date. In the past, Bix and Annamarie have gone to the Free Library to look at books together and often go to the gazebo behind the Art Museum for its scenic overlook.

Four years seems like an impressive feat, but to Bix and Annamarie, it was easy, as they put little pressure on their relationship and think of each other as best friends. Their advice for Voices readers boils down to maintaining communication and having fun. In the words of Bix: “we’re only in high school. You can’t really expect the other person to put EVERYTHING into the relationship. Just have fun.”