Senior Spotlight: Megan Chan (12-1)

Le-Qi Tang (12-4)

How has senior year been?

Senior year has been quite a ride so far. I think after over a year of virtual school and college applications finishing up, senioritis is definitely settling in. I do, however, feel like I have been trying new things and I definitely am enjoying myself, despite the pressures of school. Being able to spend time with friends again and go to new places feels somewhat surreal, but natural at the same time. It's almost as if our junior year of high school didn't exist; but that's all the more reason to enjoy this year as much as I can. It is our last year of high school, after all!

What are you looking forward to this year?

I'm looking forward to a lot, but mostly just getting back into the swing of school and fun activities again. I'm hoping that we can have a few exciting field trips like we used to again. Other than that, events like International Day and Spirit Week are definitely at the top of my list; and of course, I can't forget about prom and graduation! Although I will be sad to see everyone go, I am looking forward to seeing all of my friends and classmates graduate and lead their successful lives, wherever they may be heading.

Photo courtesy of Isabel Portner (12-3)

How would you describe your year in one word?


What are your activities and what do you like most about them?

Unfortunately, I am a musical failure, but I do enjoy a fair share of sports and clubs. I co-lead the Asian Cultural Association (ACA) along with Bonnie and Le-Qi, and that has been a really fun learning experience. In terms of sports, I played volleyball in 9th and 10th grade, but I kind of fell out of touch with it after the pandemic. Even so, I really enjoyed my time on the team and it was super fun learning a new sport and playing in games with friends. Badminton is also one of my favorite sports, and even though I was only able to play a bit during my freshman year, I am hoping to get back this spring season. As for what I am doing now, I'm enjoying my time with Students Run. I'm so glad I joined this past spring and have found myself not only getting healthier but also getting to know a community of amazing people. I think that's my favorite thing about all of these activities and clubs/sports in general. You never know who you're going to meet or what experiences you are going to come across, so try what you can!

What is your favorite memory?

My favorite recent memory is the ACA movie night we had a little while ago. We had a projector set up on the patio at night with blankets, food, and a healthy crowd. It was so exciting to see our first community event coming together and spending that time with friends. I'm super grateful to Kera and Annetta for organizing that and excited for future ones. In 10th grade, we went on a trip to see Hamilton on Broadway and it was absolutely breathtaking. I can't believe we were lucky enough to have an opportunity like that, and I hope others get a chance to have similar trips.