Spring Sports

Lucas Koo (9-2)

Lacrosse: The onset of spring brings lacrosse. In lacrosse, there are 10 players on the field at a time. Each quarter is 15 minutes long. However, most high schools have a playing time of 12 minutes per quarter. Lacrosse is much like basketball and hockey. Games start with a faceoff and ends with a winner (the team that scored the most points). There are generally no ties. If there is a tie once the game ends, there is a sudden death moment and whoever scores first wins the game. To understand more about lacrosse equipment, we interviewed Varsity lacrosse player Izel Perez. When asked about the necessary protective equipment, Izel stated, “I wear chest protection and protection pants. Other people wear chest and shoulder protectors. We all have gloves, helmets, and mouth guards.” Lacrosse sticks vary depending on the player’s position. “The goalie has a fishnet which has a very large net. Defenders have pole sticks that are longer so that they can catch balls in midair. Forwards have normal sticks which are similar to pole sticks, just shorter.” Perez’s first game is scheduled for March 25th, at the Germantown supersite.

Softball: Softball is similar to baseball in that it is a stick and ball game where the main objective is to score more points than the other team by running around the four bases. Players move from base to base by hitting the ball into the field of play.

The game is officiated by at least one empire that makes calls on the players. Jocelyn Goldstein, a freshman on the Masterman Girls’ Varsity Softball Team, told us more about the equipment and her views on the game. “To play softball, the school provides most of the equipment if needed. You need to have cleats, gloves, and a bat. However, if you are unable to acquire some of the pieces of equipment, the school can help you attain the missing pieces.” This is important for anyone thinking of starting softball. Jocelyn also shared her views on playing on the team: “I enjoy talking to people in other grades. I have played with many people on the team in soccer and basketball. It’s also a chance to meet new people.” Jocelyn and her team are playing on March 25th at Edgley field. Come and support the softball team!

Tennis: Tennis is one of the most popular individual sports in the world. In tennis, two opposing players hit a green tennis ball over a net into their opponent’s court. The objective of the game is to hit the ball so that the opposing player is not able to return the hit. However, if the ball is hit out of bounds, the point goes to the opposing player. Doubles are also a type of competition in the sport. The same rules apply, however, there are now 4 people on the court at a time playing in teams of two. In tennis, there are different types of tennis racquets. Ultimate and powerful control is more for intermediate to advanced players, while lightweight racquets are for beginner to intermediate players.