Senior Spotlight: Minnie Kroll (12-2)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

Photo courtesy of Minnie Kroll (12-2)

Talk about your swim career! What got you into swimming?

I don't remember. I was like, “I want to join a team and I can swim. Therefore, I should join swim.” I want to say that Cherilynn told me about it because she was in my Chemistry class. We all [Minnie, Bonnie, Cherilynn and I] were talking about it together and signed up together. It was a collaborative effort.

Have you committed to a college yet? If yes, tell me about the college. If not, tell me a bit about some of the colleges that are at the top of your list.

No, I have not committed yet but I got into two of my top colleges: University of Toronto and University of California San Diego. So I might be going to one of those.

What is something that is still on your highschool bucket list?

A skip day maybe? Being absent— I’ve never been absent before.

What is the craziest highschool memory you have?

Winning Champs [Girls’ Swim Team Public League Championships]!

If you could go back in time to some moment in your life, where would you go ?

Our New York trip. Malena, Mikaela, Triona and I all went to New York. Actually I came late because I had work so I had to take the train all by myself. I dragged them to the NHL store (specifically Malena because the others didn’t want to go). We stayed up so late and walked around NYC at like 11:00 PM and got ramen. That specifically but any moment with my friends I would want to relive.

  • Mikaela: We called my sister and my mom thought we were drunk.

  • Malena: We took pictures of random boys in Central park. The polaroid was so dark. We were having a photo shoot.

If you could travel anywhere in the world— where would you go? Why?

I mean Canada isn't a very fun option but I would like to go there. But if I’m thinking really internationally, like out of the continent, I want to go to The Netherlands— which is a pretty common one I think— or back to China.

What will you miss most about masterman after graduation?

Probably my friends, not necessarily something about Masterman. I guess all of the jokes about how bad Masterman is. Like all the asbestos jokes. Also all of the activities, I would miss.

What is your biggest regret?

I regret not sticking with playing clarinet in highschool.

Quick Favorites:

What is your favorite place in masterman?

  • Room 12 or the basement hallway

Favorite animal ?

  • Sea lion

Favorite place to study?

  • I like studying in like my TV room (the room with a TV)

Favorite item of clothing?

  • Green leggings or any leggings (also Birks)

Favorite mode of transportation

  • Walking

Favorite day of the week

  • Thursday— it's the day before Friday but it's not Wednesday. Wednesday sucks.

Favorite scent?

  • Like any baked good.

Malena: “Like quarters? (cent)”