Senior Spotlight: Isabella Martorano (12-3)

Maeve Zeleniak (12-4)

If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

I really want to take a trip across Europe with friends… I really, really want to visit Western Europe. I just think it’s really cool.

What’s your go-to conversation starter? Any weird fun facts?

My problem is I overshare. With people I don’t know, I usually ask what their hobbies are, or what they do for a living when we’re all not stuck at home. Oh, or who their favorite Spice Girl is.

If you could step in the shoes of a historical character for a day, who would you become?

It would be cool to be Marie Antoinette for a day, because of the extravagance and the excess, so as long as it wasn’t the day where she got her head chopped off, I would go there.

You’ve been a longtime presence with Masterman music, in several choirs and the Masterman musical pretty much every year. What first drew you to music, and what was it like to keep going in online school?

Photo courtesy of Belle Martorano (12-3)

When I was in third grade, my elementary school did a talent show, and I sang Katie Perry’s Firework. And people were like, ‘You have such a good voice!’, and I was like, ‘I’m good at this? I should keep doing this!’... That was where I fell down the rabbit hole. Flash forward ten years and it was really, really difficult to stay motivated through Zoom school. Because we can’t sing together. We can’t work on stuff together. One of the things I think I took for granted, that I didn’t realize how much I missed it until it was impossible, was actually listening to harmony in-person.

What do you want to be known for?

I think my dream is to be known as a person who changed the playing field for independent artists, or who just loves making things, and loves art, and loves talking about it.

During the play you may have developed a cult following among younger grades at Masterman. Any parting advice for 8th or 9th graders?

I think my advice to incoming students would be to take care of yourself first. Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, and one of the major reasons I didn’t do things is because I was terrified that I wouldn’t be perfect… It’s more important to put less pressure on yourself - I mean, still try to get everything done - but if you don’t have the emotional bandwidth, then listen to yourself first.