Senior Spotlight: Nick Waller (12-4)

Annetta Yuwono (12-4)

What sports do you play? What got you involved in those sports?

I play baseball and I swim. I got into swimming because— I was coerced into it. Baseball’s just fun so I joined. I played when I was younger but I stopped because my neighborhood team didn’t have an older division. I ran track in 9th and 10th grade, it was fun, I was fast. I also bike home every day. Now that I can swim I can do a triathlon/ be a triathlete.

Angelo’s input: “If he kept playing, he’d be playing for the Phillies right now.”

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

Senior year has been my favorite year.

What do you wish you had done differently while at Masterman?

I could have played an instrument. Maybe some sort of horn. I started playing the piano and I liked it, and then my parents wanted me to switch to violin because it sounded better. I didn’t like [violin] so I swore it off. I wanted to play piano at school but there’s no piano at school and, for me, it was piano or nothing.

Photo courtesy of Nick Waller (12-4)

Talk about your furniture making hobby. How did you start doing this?

There was this guy named Mr. Killian and he came for an enrichment back in sophomore year. He asked me if I wanted to be an intern and I agreed so now I make furniture. Junior summer, I worked at a different shop. This year I might be working with Mr. Killian again.

Where will you be going to college? What are some things you are looking forward to in college?

Syracuse. I’m going to be a walk-on basketball player and I will carry the team. I don't really know positions but I will figure that out. I want to be the big guy: the Shaq of Syracuse. I will be majoring in mechanical engineering.

What is something that’s still on your high school bucket list ?

In the year book I said that I would do a backflip; I still haven’t done a backflip.

What is/was your favorite class at Masterman and why?

I liked chemistry. Mr. Comfort was really cool. I did a comf bump and Jason rapped. I could be a rap producer but I have a lot of other talents like swimming, running, and making furniture so unfortunately I will not be coming out with an album… yet.

What are your plans for the summer?

Riding my bike places— to practice for the triathlon. I might get a job— I’ve never had a real job (besides interning).

Quick Favorites:

What is your favorite art medium?

I don’t paint but I like looking at paintings.

Edward Hopper and Norman Rockwell make cool paintings.

What is your favorite place in Philly?

I don’t have a favorite place but I like fields.

If you could be an animal what animal would you be?

Eagle because there’s an Eagle in Spirit

Favorite type of weather?
Rain or sun

Favorite outdoor/indoor activity?

Riding my bike

Favorite food?
