A COVID-Friendly Winter Break: Masterman Style

Sylvia Erdely (10-4)

Photo courtesy of Jeff Fusco (visitphilly.com)

It goes without saying that this winter has been unlike any other. 2020 has been the year of many missed Masterman routines, from the tropical weather of the fourth floor to the daily parade down 17th street after school. Although you might worry that your winter break will be wasted indoors, there are plenty of COVID-safe ways to have fun and stay true to Masterman traditions this holiday season:

  • Miss afterschool bubble tea runs at I Heart Tea and Chestnut Street’s Asian Food Hall? Bubble tea options around the city include Mr. Wish in South Philly, North Philly and Chinatown, and Tea-Do in West Philly. Though dining-in is prohibited, ordering takeout is a great way to treat yourself while responsibly following COVID-19 guidelines.

  • Memories of gatherings in Rittenhouse Square got you down? While large gatherings are unsafe, a small, socially distanced, outdoor meet-up can be a great way to spend time with friends. During winter break, consider arranging a holiday gift exchange for your friends in Rittenhouse Square!

  • Miss ice skating at Dilworth Park with friends during the holiday season? Fortunately, the Rothman Rink at Dilworth Park is open for the season with a new system of safety protocols in place. 90-minute skating sessions can be reserved online following a set schedule. When available, in-person ticket sales will be offered. The rink requires masks be worn at all times and suggests that guests rent lockers to safely store belongings. Additionally, the rink will be sanitized between skating sessions.

Another ice skating opportunity can be found on Columbus Avenue at the Blue Cross RiverRink. This year, the RiverRink has scheduled skating sessions of no longer than 90 minutes with a limited number of guests. Guests are encouraged to reserve tickets before arrival at the rink to prevent long lines and crowds; they require masks to be worn in all areas except for designated dining areas.

  • Been craving halal food since the start of quarantine? Center city’s halal carts are a common afterschool snack for Masterman students. Through COVID-19, many halal trucks have remained open, so feel free to order as you would! When ordering from food trucks, remember to be courteous of the safety of the vendor and those around you―wear a mask and sanitize your hands before touching food and drinks.