Senior Spotlight: Simon "George Bailey" Gardner (12-1)

Lucas Jackson (12-2)

Tell me a little about the bond you share with Ms. Amit’s Son:

Aiden is on our lacrosse team. At the first practice, no one wanted to play catch with him with the lacrosse sticks. I was like, “this guy seems cool,” so I started throwing with him. He was pretty good. Over the season I’ve seen him improve. He got better. And he’s just a good guy, he has a lot of spirit for MSC Lacrosse. At karaoke night I performed an Eminem song with him. It was “Lose Yourself,” and it was a great bonding experience with my teammate. Yeah, I love that guy.

And here’s a note from Aiden Cubbage to you, Simon:

“Simon is one of the friendliest people I have ever met. He’s a great person to be around. He is always incredibly supportive and believes in me. And he is someone who can always make you laugh or cheer up.”

After watching It's a Wonderful Life, the famous Christmas fantasy drama film, I couldn’t help but make the comparison between you and George Bailey. I remember you once saying “I’m George Bailey.” What is your relationship to the inspiring character of George Bailey?

Photo courtesy of Helena Saven (12-4)

You see, I think George Bailey is just an example of a character that is very relatable to every person. We’ve all had those days when we’ve felt like all the bad things keep stacking upwhen we’ve lost money and our Bank and Loan company is going to close. And at the end of the day you’re like, “I want it to end.” I’m like George Bailey when he’s about to jump off because all the pressure builds up and you feel like you want to end it all. There’s something inspiring about George Bailey’s story; it encourages you to keep going and overcome all the obstacles in your life. I’m not as good of a guy as George Bailey. He stood up for his whole community. But I think he’s very inspiring.

Poe, Shakespeare, DJ Lucas, Frost, Neruda… In the debate around the greatest poet of all time, I think we could agree that all of these names are relevant. But as a passionate fan of DJ Lucas, and an expert on his work, would you make the case for him, and explain to us why he ranks highest among his peers?

DJ Lucas is an underappreciated name in hip-hop and poetry. See, he comes from the same town as Emily Dickinson, and I believe Robert Frost used to live there…it’s Amherst in Western Massachusetts. He’s very proud of his New England heritage. And his lyrics… he keeps it real 100% of the time. Most of these rappers these days, all you hear them say is “I got guns,” “I got women,” and they treat women very poorly. A lot of them lie about it, because they really aren’t in the streets. DJ Lucas doesn’t need to lie. He raps about what he does in his life. He has such a way with words that I think it puts him up there as one of the best poets and writers of all time.

While we’re on the subject of competition, I notice that over the course of the year, you and Sam Njogu have had a number of very serious games of fingerboard SKATE during Film Appreciation class. Where does the series stand?

These games of skate, you see, me and Sam both fingerboard, which some may look down on. They call it Tech-decking, and say it’s a toy and it’s for kids, but it’s not. It takes so much devotion to land these tricks. Sam never beat me. Not a single time. SKATE is like HORSE in basketball, where if you miss one you get a letter.

Would you talk for a moment about your love for skating?

I love skateboarding. I started skateboarding two years ago. We had online school and it really helped me grow. I got kickflips, switchflips, treflips, nollie heels, switch heels, I got crooks. I’m like the best skater ever. You know I’m tryna get them sponsors so hit me up if you own a shoe company or board company.

You’ve served a very important role as a defensemen of the impenetrable wall of MSC Lacrosse’s defense. What significance has the team, and this experience in general, had for you?

Best D in the pub.

Would you speak for a moment about your personal style?

I like to wear oversized jeans. My real waist size is a 32, but I like to rock in the 40s, maybe 42, 40 is my ideal waist size. I just like the freedom it gives me when I’m skateboarding.

As a well-trained freestyle rapper, I’d like to give you a chance to speak your mind through rhyme. If you’d rather just speak your mind, though, that is alright.

Ok, this rap goes out to my good friend Luke:

Luke, the philosopher

It’s not possible

I got the fire the phosphorous

It’s preposterous

The senior spotlight

It’s super tight


Finally, a few words from Mr. Gilken to remember you by:

I was always thankful for Simon’s stoic, brooding nature in my English classes and on the lacrosse field. He brought an intensity, a “meanness,”really, that I and others frankly found intimidating. In seriousness however, I was not surprised to see how deftly and how kindly he was received by the students at John Kelly, where he worked as a playground partner for his senior project. I look forward to seeing him skateboarding down the street, perhaps with my son Roman, in West Mount Airy, aka the greatest neighborhood in the world.