Eleena John as Dean Senior Spotlight

Gavriela Kalish-Schur '24

Please introduce yourself and your title. 

My name is Eleena John and I am the highschool Dean and Climate Manager at Masterman. 

Walk us through a day in your life. 

I get up around 5am but naturally I don’t make it to school until 9, traffic you know? Once I come into school I turn on the espresso machine, make some jokes and start the day. I start with a lot of disciplinary things, middle school kids especially. I tackle high school issues and make sure the school is under control and the climate is good. But of course I can’t fix the AC. Then its just meeting after meeting. I’ll probably yell at a couple of kids in the hallway and then if its spring season I’ll coach lacrosse and then my day is done. 

What is the most challenging part of this role?

The hardest part of dealing with kids are the course selection emails and kids complaining about their grades all the time. (You know who you are). 

What is your favorite part of the dean’s office?

The espresso machine brings me happiness in a matter of minutes. I love it so much that I only allow people above the age of 25 to use it. 

What has been a favorite memory you’ve made in this role?

Getting bribed to fix attendances. Do you know how much money I could’ve made? But I have taken none. I have integrity thank you very much. 

What are you looking forward to this lacrosse season?

Beating Central. 

Tell us about your assistant Justin Gilken.

Justin is quite the character. He can be very sassy.