Senior Spotlight:

Lucie Ebner

Katie Huynh (12-2)

Photo courtesy of Lucie Ebner (12-1)

What is something you are looking forward to doing once quarantine is lifted?

When quarantine is lifted I think the first thing I'll do is see my friends. I miss going to my favorite coffee shop and getting bagels on chestnut street so definitely that first. Going to live concerts and seeing a movie are impossible at this time so I hope to attend those when we’re allowed! RIP to my Capital One obsession.

What is your favorite quarantine snack/recipe?

My favorite quarantine recipe is definitely the mug brownie. You just bake a singular brownie in a mug — preferably at midnight — and it’s delicious.

Do you have any new hobbies you’ve picked up during quarantine?

I learned how to sew a tote bag! I’m probably even going to be making more for my friends. I’ve also been watching How to Get Away with Murder (I’m obsessed) and online shopping way too much.

How different do you think your life would be if you hadn’t gone to Masterman?

Masterman lets me walk to school because it is so close, I have the luxury of only having to walk five blocks. I also met a lot of great people both in my grade and in the high school in general, and going to a small school greatly helps with school spirit and making a lot of long time connections! I like that I can talk to anyone in my grade and have a meaningful and fun conversation no matter who it is. Shoutout to my besties, you know who you are!

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

Hmm that’s a hard one. I guess my favorite Masterman memory would either be winning spirit week in freshman year, staying after school at Masterman until 6PM in sophomore year “cramming” for MiSO, or playing in the orchestra during “On the Town”.

What is your favorite cheesy joke?

What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? We’re both lawyers.