Senior Spotlight: Sophie Gala (12-1)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (10-4)

Describe your time at Masterman. What is a favorite memory?

When I consider my time at Masterman, I think about taking the train. I picture myself walking through the hallways to my locker. Having my little routine, doing the same clubs, I can picture very strongly my grade because I’ve known those people for eight years now and those memories come through very strongly. For some positive memories, one that comes to mind is the Halloween dance my freshman year which was really fun. The other SGA representatives were really great in welcoming me into that and it was a great example of a big exuberant high school event where everyone had great energy.

What has been your favorite class?

Mrs. Taylor’s AFAM class, even though it got short, unfortunately, with so many great units and lessons. It had more depth and specificity than World History just by the nature of it. I think Mrs. Taylor is a great teacher so it was a great experience.

Photo courtesy of Sophie Gala (12-1)

You are the senior grade rep for SGA, what is your proudest accomplishment in your 4 years of SGA?

I’m proud of the products in the bathroom. That took a lot of advocacy and faced some resistance during my freshman and sophomore year. It got approved and we got a dispenser that came in right before we got sent home for COVID, which was very difficult. Being able to revamp that and follow through with the original idea I proposed to have free products in the bathrooms that are accessible to everyone is something that I am very proud of.

If you had little to no constraints in terms of budget or COVID, what would you want to see at Masterman?

It would be great to see more systems of support for students outside of classrooms, whether that’s more access to nursing staff, counselors, and support staff. More funding for things like clubs and for different initiatives that students come up with. I think having a building that is safe and a healthy environment for students, whether that’s not having an asbestos risk or other construction that is going on around us. I think that students having a full meal and be supported in the ideas they come up with, whatever those may be, is important. Those are some vague ideas but that is what comes to my mind.

You started Masterman’s mock trial team in your sophmore year. What prompted you to take on this endeavor?

My friend Malcolm Miller (12-3) and I, at the end of a random period of freshmen year French, walked up to each other and we had this idea: What if we had a mock trial team? It was kind of random, but it seemed cool and something that would be worth starting up. We were lucky to find the support that we needed. We were able to meet with a really experienced coach from Saint Joe’s, meet with Masterman’s previous mock trial coach, get a really great volunteer parent attorney coach that has been with us all three years, and get a really good group of students that has grown every year which I am really happy with.

How has the college admission experience been for you?

It’s been pretty good. Overall, I am happy with the school’s that I’ve chosen to apply to. I think its difficult waiting but its overall been pretty good and I’ve been able to find the things that I’m looking for in a school.

Do you know what you want to major in next year?

History, which I’m excited about.

What is your dream vacation?

A trip with my friends to a beach, maybe with a house or something, I think that could be fun.

Do you believe in astrology? If so what is your sign and does it reflect your personality?

I might get hate for this one; not really. I think it’s fun. I’m a Taurus, but I don’t really know what that means. I’ve never really been told anything conclusive about whether I match with my sign.

What is a song or album that represents your life right now?

A song that I’ve been listening to recently that I think describes what’s going on for me right now is "Find Another Reason Why" by Judah & the Lion. It reminds me to try my best for myself as I get further into the second half of senior year, especially as we approach a busy time for SGA.

What’s a random item in your backpack or locker that would surprise people?

I have a pen in my pencil case that’s been discontinued by Staples because it has a tendency to randomly leak ink, which has happened to me in class several times. I actually only have one left since the rest are out of ink. It just has a certain ink consistency which I really like, I can’t explain it.