Senior Spotlight:

Sieu Doan

Katie Huynh (12-2)

How did you spend April Fools Day? Any good pranks?

I did nothing because there is nothing to differentiate each day between the previous and the following. Once I realized it was April Fools I called for its cancellation because nothing could compare to the joke that is the world right now.

If you could go back in time a few months, what advice would you give your past self?

In short, don’t be stupid. Firstly fill out your financial aid stuff right now, idiot. Secondly, talk to people more often. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people when you want to talk to them. They’ll respond. Say what you want to, what’s there to lose? Also, it’s important to maintain your friendships because suddenly one day you won’t be able to see them again and you don’t want to be lonely when that happens.

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

My favorite teacher has got to be the AP Chem lady herself, Mrs. Parham. She allows me to get away with too much in her class and is always super funny. I’ve had WAY too much fun both times I’ve been in her class.

What is the high school achievement you are most proud of?

I don’t have many, but my proudest high school achievement has got to be when I won a Kahoot in Chemistry class sophomore year. It’s for sure a feeling that you can’t replace nor understand without really experiencing it yourself.

What is your favorite Masterman memory?

Winning spirit week for the first time. Then winning again the second time.

What is your favorite cheesy joke?

My love life.

Photo courtesy of Sieu Doan (12-1)