Guys and Dolls: The 2025 Masterman Musical

Margaret Olsen ‘28

This year's musical, Guys and Dolls, told the adventures of gamblers and their relationships with showgirls set in New York City. The production represented over two hundred students' hard work and dedication, with rehearsals occurring multiple times a week over three months. A true team effort, the cast, stage crew, sound tech, and the high school orchestra, all collaborated to put on the elaborate production last week. 

Mrs. Neu, music teacher and former Masterman parent, masterminded the production, conducting the orchestra while simultaneously planning every detail of the show. 

More than just a show, the staging of Guys and Dolls serves as a milestone for Masterman. Back in 2004, after over a decade without a musical, the Masterman students and faculty organized, produced, and performed the school’s first rendition of Guys and Dolls. Three of Masterman's current staff members—Mrs. Neu in the music department, Ms. McIntyre in the social studies department, and Mr. Tannen in the mathematics department—contributed to the 2004 version. Mrs. Neu ran the musical, Ms. McIntyre was a dance choreographer, and Mr. Tannen, a wide-eyed student, performed in the orchestra. 

Mrs. Neu decided to bring back Guys and Dolls in honor of her former collaborator, Mr. Gary Travis, who passed away last year. Prior to 2004, Masterman performed an annual dramatic play, but not a musical. Mrs. Neu, noticing a lack of interest and patrons, had an epiphany: “The actors were so talented but no one came to the shows, so I came up with the idea to do a musical to get more viewers. I talked to the principal, who was very skeptical, but I wanted to prove to her that we could do it.” With barely any equipment, she and Mr. Travis gathered all of the instrumental ensembles and the regular play actors to create a production of Guys and Dolls. The Masterman musical has become an annual tradition that unites the community each spring. Mrs. Neu shared, “It’s one of the few things that middle and high schoolers can really work together on, it really brings the whole community out.” 

Over the course of her tenure, Ms. Mcintyre has experienced many musicals. When asked about past and more recent productions, she noted, “We always tend to have very talented kids here.” While Masterman receives acknowledgement for its excellent academics, students routinely demonstrate excellence across the performing arts. The annual musical allows the vocalists and actors, supported by the vocal teacher, director, and choreographer, to showcase their incredible talent in front of an audience. 

Anchoring this year’s show, the live music provided by the high school orchestra not only created a sonic backdrop, but elevated the performances with dramatic crescendos. Starting musical rehearsals shortly before the new year, they practiced twice a week before school, working on 30 songs. Mr. Tannen recalled his experience playing trumpet for the 2004 musical.. “It was a unique experience for me because I hadn’t played accompaniment to a musical before,” he stated. He added that working on the musical contributed to his time management skills and that, overall, it “deepened [his] appreciation for musical theatre.” 

While the actors, vocalists, and musicians drove the plot, the show would not be possible without the foundation provided by the stage, light, and sound technicians. Using microphones and speakers, the sound technicians ensured the audience could hear the actors and musicians clearly. Meanwhile, the stage crew designed, constructed, and arranged the sets, and, with the skilled lighting technicians, created the physical environment for the show. Luc Bastien ‘25, a member of the stage crew for the past three years, noted, “I really like the creative process of it and just being able to build things from the ground up. It's amazing to see the whole set come together from the beginning of musical season all the way to the final show.” 

Altogether, this dedicated group of over two hundred skilled students committed countless hours of 

preparation, culminating in the engaging performance enjoyed by audiences last week. In addition to regular after-school rehearsals and practices, all students involved in the musical spent half days and even Presidents Day at school practicing and perfecting the show. The dedication and passion poured into the Masterman musical created an extraordinary production.