Staying motivated in a very strange year

By Austin Henry, Staff Writer 

Dec. 16, 2020

With the pandemic launching into effect most would think that motivation would decrease but that's not quite the case at Norwood High school.

In early 2020 the Coronavirus took the world by storm and caused schools around the globe to close.

This left many students in an uncomfortable situation but many prevailed.

Mrs. Daigle, a guidance counselor at Norwood High school said, "I find all of you [students] so resilient and always coming up with new very cool ways to communicate and kind of stay in touch with each other and with that you all maybe adapted quicker and better than most adults.¨

Norwood High School Sophomore Jake Deshiro said he adapted by ¨taking a break; I´ll get up and walk around before finishing whatever it is I have to do or I'll go and spend time with other people like my family.¨

Jake continued by adding that ¨most of the time it is hard to stay motivated but I still have to do it.¨ 

Jorge Colon Medina, a sophomore at Norwood High school also found ways to adapt to the pandemic. ¨I started focusing a lot on school and during the afternoon I would go on maybe half an hour to an hour bike ride."

In similar fashion Jake Deshiro says ¨my schedule has stayed mostly the same except for spending more time with my family.¨