Masks in school: Make it fashion? 

By Elizabeth Chau, Staff Writer 

Reporter Elizabeth Chau takes a masked selfie with Maddy Collins and Kayla Cahill. Elizabeth Chau, The Mustang Gazette 

The outbreak of Covid-19 has led this school year to be completely different from the others as social distancing, masks, and sanitizing everything have been added to our normal routine. Students and teachers are working hard every day to be safe and follow the guidelines to continue in-school learning. To avoid doing complete remote learning everyone must follow all of these precautions. The use of masks are very important and some can even call it fashionable as well. 

English teacher, Mrs. Mullaney is adjusting to these new rules but is “appreciative that something so simple allows us to get back into school and be together ... to engage in more learning.” 

Although masks are not the most convenient, Mrs. Mullaney has found that medical masks are the best and most breathable for her. In a fashion sense, “because I am wearing the medical ones, the fashion element has kinda fallen by the wayside a little bit,”  she said, concluding that masks are not the cutest outfit choice. 

Olivia Connor, a junior at Norwood High, believes wearing masks in school is “a smart decision because it's keeping everyone safe and even if it's not the most comfortable thing in the world, its gonna help in the long run to help the future of going to school.” 

She is very adjusting to it very well and would rather wear masks than take any risks. “[patterned masks] have made me feel better about wearing them because you can get different ones to match with your outfits” Although school is very different this year, Olivia is making the best of it and happy to be back. 

Junior Annie Sisk said that she “thought the masks would be worse. Sometimes it's hard to breathe, but it's not terrible.” Annie said that masks look cute with many outfits and even completes them. 

Students and teachers at NHS are challenged with the new precautions at school to prevent a further spread of Covid-19. Mask usage is very important and required in our schools today. These guidelines were created to ensure a safe and healthy community.