Ink master: NHS edition

By Lyla Fagan, Staff Writer 

April 11, 2022

Tattoos are an amazing way of showing self-expression and putting something (or someone) you love on your body forever. It involves thought and meaning, or, just for fun. 

Although some people are completely against the idea of tattoos, they are a very personal form of art and there is a never-ending variety. 

That being said, here are some of the beautiful tattoos presented by our own peers and teachers at NHS. 

Ms. Leavitt (upper arm) English Teacher  “This is for my grandmother, she had been living in a nursing  home and loved getting her nails done, so I would always go visit and bring my nail polish and do them for her, and when she passed I wanted to honor her and do something very pretty and feminine and I love having a little piece of her.”
 Ms. Leavitt (upper arm)English Teacher“This is for my grandmother, she had been living in a nursing home and loved getting her nails done, so I would always go visit and bring my nail polish and do them for her, and when she passed I wanted to honor her and do something very pretty and feminine and I love having a little piece of her.”
Jackson Zanghi, Junior  “47 means the perfect tension between the 4th and the 7th chakra, which is the heart and the mind becausethere are so many things your heart wants to doBut your mind knows better” 
Jackson Zanghi, Junior “I really just thought it was funny” 
Senor Reyes, Spanish teacher“This is the coat of Chile. Being from Chile I have strong feelings for the country where my family came from. I wanted something that would always remind me of my roots” (click here to check out the full coat of arms)
John Nabbout, Senior “It’s for my grandfather that passed who was like my second father, and his name is John.”
Brendan Harper, Senior“Angel is my cat’s name and he grew up with me my whole life, and when my first cat passed away, he felt like an angel in my life, hence his name.” 
Ayanna Lopez, Sophomore The different size butterflies represent me, my sister, and my brother. The snake was just for fun.”
Bella Garcia, Junior“The biggest butterfly represents my mom, the middle is me, and the top is my little sister. I’m going to color their own butterflies their favorite color. I got them to look back and see the growth we’ve all made and appreciate how far we have come.:
Tashawni Burston, Junior “A large majority of my life since I was young was what I thought about myself doing in the future. I wanted to work at NASA and felt I would be the one to discover something incredible. Everything about it fascinates and resonates with me. My tattoo means a lot to me because even though it was impulsive, I always knew what my first one would be. The idea of discovering something greater than myself will always remain in my mind. 
Mrs. Uppenkamp, history teacher “The story behind my tattoo is simple - he’s my favorite President, and I thought it would be kind fun to have a tattoo of him. It has been a fun conversation starter in many situations!”
Mr. Brierley (two of his four!)English teacher  “The house is my childhood home here in Norwood.”
“The room with the table and chair is inspired by some writing advice that a writer named Barry Hannah gave during a lecture once. He said, "The only things you need to write a good story are people, conflict, and furniture." So I decided to get a tattoo of some furniture!”