“Walking on Sunshine”

By Austin Henry, Staff writer

February 27, 2023

Sun rising on Fulton Street in Norwood. Austin Henry/The Mustang Gazette

We live in an age of technology. Most people spend much time inside, cuddled with their phones, tv, or other devices. However, there is an extraordinary benefit in even seeing just a little bit of sunlight every morning. 

The benefits of morning sun can be beneficial to our health.

 According to the National Library of Medicine, sunlight is “effective against insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and seasonal affective disorder" (SAD) and...the melatonin precursor, serotonin, is also affected by exposure to daylight.”

Health Teacher at Norwood High, Jan Cohn says that getting sun is important because of the chemicals it releases. 

“Serotonin helps boost a person’s mood and may help a person feel calm and focused,”  said Cohn.

Melatonin is a primary sleep chemical.

Cohn says that “the hormone helps regulate sleep and wake cycles.”

All of these benefits come from just getting sunlight and these benefits could really help many high school students, especially with mood and sleep- two things that many high school students are deficient in. 

Nuerobioglist Andrew Huberman said on his podcast “Huberman Lab” that “light viewed early in the day is the most powerful stimulus of wakefulness throughout the day and it has a powerful, positive impact on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. So this is really the foundational power tool for ensuring a great night's sleep and for feeling more awake during the day.” 

Attempting to reap these benefits as a teen can contribute to a positive habit that may help many students. 

However, it is a reality that it can be hard to get outside in the cold winter months in New England.

Regardless, “I think students should get outside 20 minutes a day, weather permitting,” said Jan Cohn.

NHS Chorus Teacher Jennifer Hartnett takes a walk every morning on the high school track.

“I definitely am positively influenced by the sun. This journey has given me an opportunity to find joy in all types of weather. For example, I used to NEVER walk if it was rainy or cold or snowing - but now I enjoy it very much. Not as much as a sunny day though!” she said.

Walking in all types of weather is important. Even if the sun isn’t directly screaming in your face with its race of light, it still is releasing Vitamin D. 

Therefore it is still important to get outside and get that serotonin. 

NHS, take the time and enjoy the sun, each and every morning!

Jennifer Hartnett, the Choral Instructor, on one of her morning walks.  Photo credit:Jenifer Hartnett