Artist Spotlight: Sawyer Messier

By Olivia Tucker, Staff writer

March 30, 2023

Original artwork by Sawyer Messier.
Photo credit: Sawyer Messier
Messier's drawing of characters from "The Owl House." Image credit: Sawyer Messier

Sawyer Messier is a freshman at Norwood High and a self-taught artist. Messier is 15 years old and has grown to have a great passion for art over the past few years, especially during quarantine. 

Sawyer has been making art seriously since they were in the 7th grade, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic but has been making it for fun since she was young.  

Sawyer is inspired by other artists.

“A lot of the time when I see other art from other artists that motivates me to draw and I usually get ideas from that too!” said Sawyer. 

Every artist has different opinions on what they like to draw and don’t like to draw. 

“ I really like to draw eyes. I think eyes are really beautiful and I like all the different ways and different styles that you can draw eyes. They are just fun to draw in general,” Sawyer exclaimed.

Although Messier loves to draw, there are some things she struggles with.

“Umm, I hate drawing torsos. I'm just not really good at drawing them and also legs. I don't like drawing legs because I am not good at those either,“ Messier said.

Lots of artists create their art using a different mediums and the process of each project is different. Messier's process involves many steps.

“So I usually make a sketch, but if I have an idea I will just go straight into it. Then I will edit the sketch to make sure it is just what I want, then once I am happy with it I will go into doing the line art, which is my least favorite part. Next, I do the flat colors which are just one shade. Then if I want to I would do shading and add details or highlights. Last, if I wanna be fancy I will do a background job,” they said. 

Messier makes their art using Procreate, a pay-to-use art program on their Ipad. On Procreate, you can download color palettes and brushes from other creators to use, not just the ones they offer.

 Sawyer showcases their art for all to see on their Instagram, @poppies.and.chives. Go take a look!