Mustang on the Street

February 2024 Edition

"What is the best gift to give to your Valentine?"

By The Mustang Gazette Staff 

February 5, 2024

"Probably chocolate. Chocolate is always a nice thing. I mean everyone likes chocolate."

Jordan Kirkland, Junior

"Well, I'm a big hugger. So I think that's a quick and easy gift to give on any day; especially on Valentine's day when not everybody feels so special."

Cynthia Derrane, Vice Principal

"I think the best gift to give is probably a stuffed animal or chocolate."

Daniella Habib, Senior

"The best thing to give your Valentine is your time because it's the most precious thing you have.

Michelle Kelly, Spanish Teacher

“A card. Candy.

Ciara Barrows, Senior

 I think that the best gift to give your Valentine is chocolate because it is sweet and tastes good.”

Sylvie Deeks, Sophomore

 I think I should get flowers because men don't get flowers until they're dead.”

Josiah Gomes, Freshman

“I think the best gift could be giving flowers. They smell nice and will never fail to make someone happy.” 

John Rooney, Student Resource Officer

"A stuffed animal."

Maisie Griffin, Sophomore

"I think a day away-- like a vacation."

Paul Pungitore, Custodian