Taylor Swift re-releases “1989 (Taylor’s Version)” and we couldn’t be more excited

By Maria Valyrakis, Staff writer

November 6, 2023 

"Taylor Swift - Shake it off (1989)" by vintage.swift is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Taylor Swift  released her “1989  (Taylors Version)” album on October 27 and many NHS students are very excited. 

Swift re-recorded all of her albums because she wanted to own all of her music, since her previous manager Scooter Braun bought 100% of her music. 

There are many people that agree with the statement that she should re-record her music, but some people disagree.

Swift claims in an interview that she would “most definitely record her first five albums.”

To say that the Swifties of NHS are excited would be an understatement. 

Sophomore Tori Roderick is one of them.

“Yes! I am so excited, I have been waiting for this for so long! I live, laugh, love Taylor Swift!” she said.

One of the reasons fans are so excited is because Swift is not only re-recording all of her songs from 1989, she is also adding five new ones!

“I can't wait to hear her five  new songs that she is coming out with!” said Freshman Mia Stella.

Many Swifties are so excited to stay up all night to listen to her new five songs

“I am staying up all night on October 27th just to listen to it right when it comes out!!” said Joey Silva.

True Swifties all have their favorite songs and anticipate the new version!

It is hard for true Swifties to pick only one of their favorite songs, but some try!

“My favorite song from 1989 has to be “I wish you would” because I used to blast that song on the way to school every morning when I was younger.” said Tori Roderick

Mia Stella sings along with her favorite songs! True Swifties just  love all of her songs!

“Wildest Dreams” or “Style” because I know all of the lyrics to those songs!”

However, some fans just can’t pick a favorite.

“I couldn't pick a favorite song out of this album, it is just that good!” said Joey Silva.

Swift released a list of new songs on her re-released album and fans have already anticipated these new songs!

“I think I will like the song “Wonderland” because the title reminds me of the song “Enchanted”, it reminds me of the wintertime!” said Mia Stella.

“Say Won't Let Go” because I feel like it is a strong title and is something that would sound good” Said Tori Roderick

“I say Wonderland because I am unsure what I think it will sound like, so it's almost like a surprise!” Said Joey Silva

There are many people who think that it was a good idea for Taylor Swift to re-record all her songs But, there are some others that disagree with her decision.

‘’I don't think it was necessary for her to re record all of her songs because a lot of fans want to hear new songs we haven't heard before rather than hearing the same songs we have been hearing” said Mia Stella

Most people would describe themselves as a big Taylor Swift fan!

“I love Taylor Swift, she is my favorite singer!” said Tori Roderick 

“She is so inspiring and makes very good music” said Mia Stella

However, there are people who enjoy Taylor Swift's 1989 album but aren't a Swiftie.

“I do like Taylor Swift's 1989 album, but I do not really enjoy her other songs as much as I like the songs that are on the 1989 album,” said  Sophomore  Joey Silva.

October 27th, 2023 is the night that many people are looking forward to.

“I am so excited to hear this album! I am going to stay up all night listening to it when it comes out!”  said Sophomore Tori Roderick