
Let's talk about it

By Lyla Fagan, Staff Writer

February 7, 2022            

After a year and a half, the long-awaited season two of HBO’s top show, “Euphoria”, has finally been released. The first episode of season two came out this past Sunday the 9th, and everyone is already talking about it. The characters, relationships, events are all just within one new episode. 

But there’s another discussion; is “Euphoria” too much?  

Some people argue “Euphoria” is far too graphic and too far-fetched for a show based on high schoolers, and that teenagers should never watch it. But others argue that although the show may be provocative or “too much”, it is an amazing, unique show. 

Photograph by Eddy Chen/HBO 
Photograph by Eddy Chen/HBO 

“Euphoria” is one hundred percent a heavy show, including topics like drug addiction, death, sex, and a lot of scandals. It’s a very deep, well-written show. I have to say, I disagree with the watchers who may argue the show is too far-fetched or too graphic for a show about high schoolers, or just in general.  Aside from the beautiful “aesthetic,” the cinematography tries to portray with makeup, music, and clothes, this show has one of the best plots I may have ever seen in the shows I’ve watched. Although I do agree “Euphoria” is not for all tastes or ages, if you can handle it and you’re at least around the age of fourteen, this show is worth the watch.  

Janessa Dooley, a sophomore at Stoughton High School, says “None of the characters should be idolized or hated because they are all messed up in their own, different ways.”

“Euphoria” takes the watcher through every main character's life and backstory each episode, starting with season 1 episode 1. The main character, Rue, played by Zendaya, is hit with life’s toughest challenges while she faces the death of her father as a young teen, and then becomes a heavy drug addict, and you watch her story as she narrates, as well as every single one of her friends and acquaintances past, current life, and get a deep look at every single one of their own personal life challenges and problems. It is insanely interesting, and I promise this show will keep anyone engaged.  I won't spoil too much, but these characters' backstories are insane. 

Honestly, the criticism that “Euphoria” faces seems to be coming from older viewers who just would not want their own child watching it. But no matter how unrealistic it may seem sometimes, for some, this show is reality. 

Teenagers' lives can include challenges the characters in Euphoria face. Addiction, death, sex and abortion, family conflicts, and relationships, and many other realistic challenges. It may not be everyone’s reality, but the writers and directors of this show did an excellent job portraying extreme topics that really can happen in anyone's life. This show is not “too much.” Although it may be provocative in ways, it is a beautiful watch. 

“I think the show is pretty accurate for some people, from Euphoria’s high school sexual aspect and drama aspect,” says Westwood High junior, Sara Bare. 

 If talking about or viewing topics like addiction, death, sex, abuse, or anything heavy affects you very easily, I advise to watch with caution or not watch. But if you can handle it, take time to give “Euphoria” a watch. It is completely worth it, and by the end, you’ll be hooked.