NHS Update Pushes Through Pandemic 

By Jake McCarthy, Staff Writer 

Norwood High School’s morning news show, NHS Update, made the decision to keep filming despite all obstacles related to the pandemic. The crew is required to wear masks, maintain social distance at all times, and is limited to no more than a total number of 8 people in both the studio and control room.

The morning production airs all days of the school week except for Wednesday, when the whole school is remote. Coinciding with the school's method of handling the COVID-19 outbreak, they have two different crews each week- one on Monday and Tuesday, the other on Thursday and Friday. 

Senior Kevin Sullivan, a technical director for one of the crews, says with the new way of going about producing the show, he is satisfied with how things have been so far.

“I’m happy with how the shows are coming out, it’s just weird how spread out you are on staff. I wish everyone was able to participate more often, but we can’t because of the restrictions” he said.

Sullivan has had experience with NHS Update prior to this year. For incoming junior Mikhalia Hurley, however, this isn’t the case. Hurley states that “instead of getting that training for sophomore year, we had to start right away which was intimidating.” Despite this initial intimidation, Hurley also believes things have gone better than expected. 

For Jeb Brunt, the broadcast production teacher at Norwood High as well as the adviser for NHS Update, he believes the mindset of the crew is part of what keeps the show running smoothly.

“There’s been a positive attitude, and I think whatever challenges may arise when things get complicated will be alright because of that attitude” he said.

With crew members expected to be at the school early each morning they’re on, there's a lot of responsibility. Each person of the team relies on one another and one absence is the equivalent of two missing jobs.

The NHS Update staff remains hopeful that things will eventually go back to normal and that they will be able to do their special shows such as “NHS Update After Dark”.

To stay up to date on what the team is producing, check out their website at mustang.media.