Mustang on the Street: March Edition

"What are you most looking forward to this spring?"

By The Mustang Gazette Staff

“I am most looking forward to the weather.”

Vivica Coard, Senior

“I’m most excited for the unique musical that I’m taking part in. I’m also looking forward to the  volleyball season this spring.”

Khang Nguyen, Sophomore

“I’m looking forward to the nice weather and being out more with my friends.”

Alina Parra, Junior

“Probably just the better weather and knowing school's almost over. Being able to get out a little more without having to worry about snow-covered sidewalks will also be nice.”

Jon Blount, Sophomore

“I’m excited for nice weather and all the fun performances we’re planning in music.”

Diana Ekechukwu , Senior

“I’m excited for softball and Easter.”

Kaylie Delamere, Freshman

“I’m most excited to have warm weather and seeing my friends being socially distanced.”

Mrs. Matchak, Guidance Counselor

“I'm excited for the nice weather and for it to finally be sunny.”

Molly Federico, Freshman

“I’m most looking forward to the spring track season and running in the nice weather.”

Jake Ryan, Senior

"Well I'm a baseball player so I'm excited about playing my first high school season."

David Brown, Freshman

“I'm excited for the warm weather.”

Kaitlyn Trahon, Sophomore

“I'm excited for the softball season and the weather to be good.”

Natalie Gale, Freshman

“I'm excited for lacrosse and to see the light come into my bedroom in the morning.”

Emily O’Connor, Freshman

“I’m most looking forward to the warm weather.” 

Kat Mcgonagle, Sophomore