Moving on to New Experiences: A New English Teacher Joins NHS  

By Payton Otto, Staff Writer

Sept. 25, 2019 

Mr. Mainuli, the newest addition to the NHS English department. Payton Otto/The Mustang Gazette

Mr. Michael Mainuli is a new English teacher at Norwood High School this year. Before teaching at Norwood High, he taught at Melrose High School for three years. Mainuli says he chose Norwood High School because he saw how new and big it was and how friendly everyone was in the community. Mainuli graduated from Clark University with a degree in English and then he went back to get a masters degree in teaching.

Mr. Mainuli described a successful student as, “one that is always curious, always asking questions, just overall involved in observing the world."

Mainuli describes the hardest thing about teaching as,“it is a 24-7 responsibility. There is always something you are thinking about that you want to do the next day or there is always something to grade.” 

The thing he loves most about teaching is when a student understands what he is teaching them. Mainuli says “it is a moment when a student just gets it, like you just see the light bulb go off and their eyes light up and they say 'I got it, I get it.' That moment is the coolest moment as a teacher, it is such a reward."

Mainuli wants to keep encouraging positivity and kindness around Norwood High School to make it a better place. He wants to inspire students to love reading and to succeed in life and in school. 

Besides teaching, Mr. Mainuli’s interests include baseball, watching TV and reading. He also loves listening to music, playing board games, and doing puzzles.