Mustang on the Street

For our first edition of "Mustang on the Street" we asked our favorite Mustang Gazette staff...

"What's your favorite thing about Halloween?"

"My favorite Halloween movie is any of the Halloweentown movies because they get me in the spirit and they're good movies to eat candy to."

Marisa Silk, Senior

"To dress up and go out with friends."

Shylah Hansen, Freshman

"Probably haunted houses."

David Laakso, Senior

"My favorite thing about Halloween is probably parties."

Marisa Geary, Junior

"My favorite thing about Halloween is that I don't celebrate it."

Danessy Auguste, Senior

"My favorite thing is group costumes"

Olivia Connor, Sophomore

"Hocus Pocus!"

Layla Al-Hussaini, Junior


Ryan Moran, Senior

"Black cats. And candy!"

Natalia Barriga, Freshman

"Candy and haunted houses."

Payton Otto, Freshman

"Scary movies!"

Samantha Rogala, Sophomore

"Dressing up with the English department!"

Mrs Colahan, English Teacher