Some fans critical of sports themes

By Paige Moore, Staff Writer

November 8, 2023

Fans in 2022 cheer on the football team in neon. Paige Moore/The Mustang Gazette

During the school year football and other school sports themes are very important to get the crowd hyped. While the themes are being posted on the Instagram school page everyone becomes aware of the theme. 

But do fans like the theme choices?

Senior Brandon Santana plays on the football team and enjoys it when fans follow the themes.

“I don't come up with them. Captains do. But they are always different. They're not just white out or blackout. I think they are cool and fun and it's interesting to see”, he said.

With football games every week home and away there are tons of themes to pick from that fans are able to be creative with. Although the captains pick the themes for the games most players agree and like the themes for the games, but that doesn't mean everyone does.

NHS Senior Daniella Habib goes to the football games but thinks that the themes need work.

“I think that some of them are boring and repetitive. I feel like they could come up with better themes, ” she said.

 Coming up with better themes or allowing students to give their ideas on themes could allow everyone to be closer together and more happy to attend the games. It also lets people feel like they did their part with school spirit and could uplift the mood and environment that happens at the games.

The thought of coming up with different ideas for themes is definitely an option and has come across people's minds. 

“I feel like every Halloween we should do our Halloween costumes to switch it up a bit. Also, they could incorporate our spirit week into the themes like taking some out and making new themes like having us dress as cowboys or cowgirls something different”, Daniella said. 

Having a different idea for themes or coming up with something that we haven't done before could make people more excited to go and bring our school spirit up because more people will be happy to see a different theme than what we have done before. 

Having a theme for the games is important to get the crowd hyped and allow the football team to watch them cheering. 

Despite the criticism, Santana still enjoys any theme. 

“It's just cool to see everybody with the same stuff on, it's kinda funny to see from the field”, he said.