Pull your mask up!

By Gen Claudio, Staff Writer

November 1, 2021

Every day I walk down the halls and hear about ten students at a time getting called out to pull up their masks up over their mouth and nose.  

It's very inconsiderate of students to just not obey the mask rules when in a building with many individuals who are at risk or have to go home to their family and relatives that are at risk.   

As simple as it is, WEAR YOUR MASK CORRECTLY. 

The mask should go over the nose and mouth at all times. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ¨When you wear a mask, you protect others as well as yourself. Masks work best when everyone wears one.¨ 

If we play our cards right, we might even be able to stop wearing masks this school year. 

According to NBC10 Boston, ¨High schoolers in Hopkinton will be first in Massachusetts to go to a class without a mask in an experimental trial run [this week]¨ because students have cooperated so well wearing masks and more than 95% of 12-19-year-olds in Hopkinton are vaccinated.

Students just need to stop being jerks and start being more compassionate for others. If you don't enjoy wearing your masks, just cooperate with the rules and soon we can beat this for good and end the mask mandate. 

It's a win for both sides. We can all get what we want as soon as we start doing the bare minimum.