Spirit week for the Mustangs

By Myllena Magalhaes

October 19, 2022

Spirit Week, in honor of homecoming weekend, will be on the week of October 17.

The theme days this year are: 

Monday- ‘Merica Monday

Tuesday- Tacky Tourist Day

Wednesday-Iconic Duo

Thursday - Country vs. Country Club

Friday-Norwood Pride

There's so much to look forward to this year here at NHS and one of the most exciting parts is our homecoming week. 

Sophomore, Gracie Goyco says, “ I'm really excited for spirit week and I’ll be dressing up every day.”

Sophomore Jeily Maldonado says, “I probably won’t dress up for the themes because every morning I'm so tired and don't have the energy to think about my outfit too much and I probably won't go to the game, but we’ll see.”

Although we do not have a homecoming dance we still have our football game on Friday October 21.  The homecoming game will be a home game against Ashland High School.

Sophomore Gracie Goyco also said, “I'm really excited for the homecoming game because lots of people go and I cheer...it’s fun.”

Unlike past years, NHS will not be having a  fall pep rally.