Debate Club Goes Virtual 

By Ava Bleiler, Staff Writer 

Planning for clubs this year has been very difficult for students and teachers. Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck this year, most clubs have not been able to meet in person making it difficult to run. This week, Ms. Molly Uppenkamp and a few participants of the debate club talked about how it is going so far for them this year and how they are managing meetings virtually. 

Adviser Ms.Uppenkamp had a very positive response about moving the Debate Club online this year. 

She said “Debate Club is going well so far this year. We've been able to make good use of breakout rooms to let the students on each side of the debate plan their arguments, and have had some interesting and productive debates on serious topics such as the Electoral College and the death penalty, and also more lighthearted topics like preferred pets and holiday music.”

Debate Club member Kylie Mcdonagh said, “Debate club is really cool. The topics range all over the place-- some very goofy, while others are on the more serious side. It's a very inclusive club, anyone is welcomed with any debate topics. I love it. It's easily my favorite club because it's different and new every time, as well as interesting and fun.”

Although meeting virtually allows meetings to continue, not everyone thinks it’s ideal. Member Mackenzie Citrone said, “I don't like anything virtually but we make it work. I just feel that debate as well as the other clubs that I'm in would work better and are just made for being in person. The main problem with having the meeting be virtual is that way fewer kids are in the club and are able to attend.”

New members are always welcome to join the Debate Club. Please reach out to Ms. Uppenkamp for more information.