High School Students React to ChatGPT AI Model

(Chat GPT wrote this headline!)

By Jurgen Shuhaipi, Staff writer

March 30, 2023

"Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning" by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Chat GPT is a resource that more and more students are using and it has teachers concerned. 

The OpenAI Chat GPT is an AI or artificial intelligence that was introduced on November 30, 2022. The AI is open to anyone wanting to use it. Chat GPT generates human-like responses to your questions. 

The trend of artificial intelligence began popping up all over social media recently, increasing the popularity of ChatGPT. A big reason for its popularity is its function and capabilities. The AI can help students find answers and cheat on their classwork. Teachers are worried about students using it. 

English teacher Michael Brierley was shocked and terrified at first when he found out what ChatGPT is capable of. 

"I was terrified because a lot of the responses- at first they seem pretty good- but then when you read closely I started to relax a little bit because I realized that it wasn't that good and it would be pretty easy to detect," said Brierley. 

ChatGPT has a wide range of tasks that it can perform. It can do anything like debugging code, writing emails, creating scripts, summarizing books, and answering questions. Writing emails is just one thing it can do. It also has limitations to the information it can provide to users. Another fair use of the artificial intelligence is to learn about historical facts that have happened, but the limitation is that it can only provide historical facts up until 2021.

According to Cosmos Magazine, the AI has been banned in many school districts in the US, India, and France and banned on school Chromebooks here at NHS. A free resource that people can use to detect the AI's written response is ZeroGpt. The text detector works by highlighting the matching responses that ChatGPT replies to its users and gives you.

Artificial intelligence can be used for good intentions as it can help programmers debug code. If you request the AI to debug the code and paste the code, it will automatically correct the errors in the code. It will also explain what was wrong with your program and what it changed to solve the problem.

Although students I spoke to for this article didn’t admit to using the chatbot, they had opinions about it. 

Freshmen Tori Roderick and Olivia Tucker say that students will get caught using it so they shouldn't use it. 

"I thought it was dumb," said Tucker.


"I thought kids were kind [of] stupid because they obviously are gonna get caught,” Roderick said.

Other students, like freshman Joey Serratore, think that students should use it to learn. 

"I think it is a good tool to use to push you to write more and help you with the structure of your writing," said Serratore.

Students aren't the only people who know about it. Assistant Principal JuanManuel Gonzalez says that although it is a problem that students are using it to cheat, it can also be convenient for tasks other than classwork. 

"I think it's nice for some convivial things. It's nice that you can automate some of those like an email home for suspension notices and things like that," he said. 

Although having good intentions is important when using artificial intelligence, ChatGPT does have limitations on the information it can output. An example of this is hate speech since ChatGPT is programmed not to use hate speech protecting users.

The use of AI will only increase in the future, and we will see more programs like ChatGPT.