
Adding to the Arsenal

By Jordan Kirkland, Staff Writer

April 6, 2022

 After America’s history of terrorism, school shootings, and violence in general, almost half the  country has decided to add to the arsenal in support of their Second Amendment Rights. Alabama has recently become the 22nd state to pass Senate bill 215. SB-215 is what I like to call the don’t ask questions permit. This permit will allow any and all who possess it to carry a concealed firearm with no documentation, training, or an actual permit. 

This permit also makes it so gun carriers have the right to not tell law enforcement you have the firearm. It is accompanied by  Alabama house bill 272 and Indiana house bill 1,296. These bills together give people the right to buy and carry a concealed standard issue pistol of your choice. Even though these bills are only in Alabama and Indiana, if there are six more states that are greatly considering SB-215, I don’t think they would have a problem with the other two as well. It is their Second Amendment right after all.

In recent weeks since Alabama passed the bill and this finally became a real problem, there have been hearings all across the country as well as criticism from law enforcement and gun control advocates. These people unanimously agree that these bills will pose a huge danger to citizens and law enforcement. Among one of them is Sheriff Charmaine McGuffy.

”To allow people to carry concealed with no background check, no documentation of who they are and no training is dangerous," McGuffy said to ABC News. 

When the people directly enforcing the law have a problem with it, you know something is wrong.

These bills, in my mind, seem completely ridiculous. The U.S already has a gun problem, there is quite literally no reason to be just handing them out like candy. The Second Amendment states people have the right to bear arms and that shall not be Infringed, but that does not mean guns should just be thrown around whenever for whatever reason. People need training and checked in some way so they don’t treat a gun like it can’t end a life in an instant. 

My point is people need education on how to use a gun and how to treat one. So people don’t leave it out and a kid grabs it and hurts themselves or someone else, or someone who can’t have one decides to take it.  No matter the situation people need that education on the matter, for themselves and others.

There are even civilians who have a problem with this and are actively speaking out on the matter. Shannon Watts, founder of the Everytown subsidiary, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, told ABC News. "But I guess the question is at end of the day, those Republicans who are worried about being primaried, are they going to put public safety over their hopes for the primary election?" 

I guess what Watts said is the big question: Are people’s Second Amendment Rights a good enough reason to risk public safety?