Mustang on the Street

"What is the most under-the-radar, underrated, unappreciated sport here at NHS?"

By Danessy Auguste, Staff Writer

“I feel like tennis doesn’t get enough credit because I feel like people need to start going to those games.” 

Frankie Keady, Senior

“The most underrated sport and the best sport is volleyball because volleyball is fun.”

Danika Auguste, Freshman 

 “I think the most underrated sport is 100% hockey. The stands clear out and they need to be packed for those games.” 

 Laura Danehy, Senior 

“The most underrated and unappreciated sport here at NHS is the swim team because it takes a lot of talent to do what they do."  

Jake Russo, Junior

"The most underrated sport is gymnastics- not because I'm on the gymnastics team- I just think a lot of people don't know it's even a team here."

Rose Donovan, Junior

"Tennis, because Mr. Churchill ." 

Sydney Waitekus, Junior

“Track is the most underrated sport because it has no money and no one respects track.”

Grace Curran, Sophomore